Episode 15: Henry's Frittle Problem

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~Henry's House~

Homework, isn't it fun? Well, Henry didn't think so.

The boy was sitting on the couch in his living room, struggling through the worst homework he'd ever gotten. At least that's how it felt. It was math, the worst of all subjects that are forced onto unsuspecting, innocent children and he wasn't very good at it. In any way. Come on, he was a superhero's sidekick, he didn't have time for algebra, fractions and graphs, he should be focusing on kicking butt and taking names. But no.

Charlotte, being the little smartypants she was, insisted that they do their homework together because, otherwise, he'd never get it done, and she knew that Henry was starting to slip behind in class. Honestly, it was for his own good, just a few sums and equations for them to solve and then the pain would be over, but he wouldn't listen to that shit.

Use X to find Henry giving a shit. Oh, wait, she couldn't because he didn't know where to begin; not one answer down on his sheet as she scribbled down the last letter for her working out. Nothing like warming up the old brain, but for the sidekick, things weren't going so well...

"So, what'd you get for number one?" Charlotte asked once she had all her solutions in a nice neat line and she looked over to her friend, who had...none of that. He wasn't a nerd, okay? No offence to the girl, but he preferred to doodle all over his page and if he was sneaky about this, he could make it look like he wasn't an idiot at all. Why have a dog and bark yourself, right?

"Number one...number one...uhhhhh... What'd you get?" He replied, hoping that she'd take the bait and tell him her answer so he could then write it down and look like a model student, all brainy and studious. Charlotte looked at him funnily, wondering what game he was playing because it shouldn't have been so hard to say one letter, but she replied anyway, albeit with a glint of suspicion in her eye. "I got B."

"Uhhh, I got B! So, yeah... I got B." Henry grinned when she told him what he knew to be the correct answer, not because he quickly did the math and solved the problem to get the same solution, but because this was Charlotte and she never got any questions wrong.

"Okay...and what'd you get for number two?" She asked, sensing what he was doing because again, this was Charlotte and as demonstrated by her phenomenal mathematical ability, she wasn't an idiot. In the meantime, their discussion about their homework was drawing some eyes, mainly those of Mrs Hart and Piper as they set up a big celebration in the kitchen, although "sorry" didn't seem particularly festive. Oh well, she could ask about what was happening in a bit. Right now, she had to beat Henry at his own tricks.

"Number two...uh, that was a tricky one, wasn't it?" He mumbled, trying to make out that he wasn't as stupid as he was sounding, but truthfully, the question hadn't been tricky. It was the second one and they descended into difficulty, starting with the easiest stuff at the top and the trickiest questions at the bottom that only brainboxes like she could solve. The fact that he was struggling already said a lot about a boy who was going to school less and less these days... "Uh, w-what'd you get?"

"Y," Charlotte answered curtly, knowing that it made no sense since there was no P option, just A, B, or C, so when Henry looked down to see his paper, he furrowed his brows in confusion. Maybe the genius had lost her touch?

"Exactly, I got, uh, Y--wait, Y?"

"Yeah. Why are you just copying my answers?" The girl questioned sharply, drawing him out with her sneaky wordplay and Henry bristled at how she'd caught him red-handed. Damn, he'd hoped he be able to squeeze a few more out of her before she caught on, but clearly, he'd met his match and all he could do now, was deny, deny, deny. "Pffft, I'm not!"

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