Episode 16: Spelling Bee Hard

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~In the Man Cave~

Ray had some great ideas. Truly, some frankly awesome, inspired dreams of greatness that came from nowhere and save him and his friends from peril and boredom alike when problems struck. But only sometimes.

Let's face it, the guy wasn't known his brains; he wasn't Schwoz or (y/n), he couldn't science up solutions out of thin air and nor could he calculate the likelihood of doom down to the last casualty. He couldn't do a lot of things, but what he could do was give his fans what they wanted.

Everyone knows that the Man Cave Podcast, aka "Deep in the Man Cave", hadn't gone to plan all those months ago when the hero and his sidekick tried to sit down and record a few episodes. Jeez, it seemed like so long ago, just after Ray and (y/n) had started dating and he vaguely remembered her being annoyed at him for something or another, but either way, that podcast hadn't gone well, mainly because it had never actually gotten past the recording stage. And it hadn't included his sweet girl since she had been in a sulk that day, so why not attempt something similar but also a little different.

Livestreaming. That new fangled thing that all the Twitflashers and Envygrammers seemed to be up to because they could connect to their audience in real-time from the comfort of their mansions and penthouses--or Man Caves if you were Captain Man, Kid Danger or Miss Danger. It was the perfect solution; if something went wrong, then it went wrong, it would be too late to start again since everyone would have seen it, screen-captured it and shared it for everyone to laugh at. No pressure then.

That truthfully helped a lot with the whole screwing-up thing. The heroes knew that they had to get the first take right, so they were each on their best behaviour as Ray plugged in all of his new equipment, including all the recording software and hardware, plus a large screen that viewers could call in on.

That was one of his slightly more intelligent ideas, that their fans could call the Man Cave on a secure line, ask a question and profess their love for the team, then they would forever have their unyielding support. It was brilliant, perhaps a little risky, but the sidekicks let him have it as he was hellbent on doing something cool to fill their time. No emergencies and no crimes left Ray as Pouty Ray and Henry couldn't stand the sight of him lolloping around and smothering (y/n) with affection and needy kisses. So he agreed, and not wanting to be left out, so did she.

"Well, I mean, that's why some people have to wear a helmet in the shower!" Ray joked, which sent his sidekicks into chuckles. Surprisingly, the live-streaming was a lot less stressful than the podcast and they'd settled into it quickly, comfortably sitting at a simple table laden with wires, microphones and a PearBook. Henry was kicking back and feeling like they were talking to old friends, whilst (y/n) was situated between him and her doofus, his hand on her knee, keeping her calm.

He didn't need to, she was feeling pretty good considering that thousands of people were waiting on her to say or do something embarrassing, but it was nice to know he was there. Ray made her laugh, gave her goo-goo eyes, stroked his thumb over her skin and even took the smallest opportunities to sneak kisses to her nose and forehead whenever Henry was speaking. Yeah, that earned them a few eye rolls.

"Makes sense, makes sense, dude. Makes sense..."

"Now, Kid Danger, Miss Danger and I are gonna be live-streaming for about another twenty minutes, so..." Ray announced to the audience once the hilarious anecdote was over and his eyes dropped to their clock.

He and Henry had been the chattiest ones, (y/n) preferring to just add a few funny comments or stories here and there since she would always be a little camera shy, but whatever adoration she got was well-received. Neither she nor Ray failed to miss the simps and fanboys in the comments whenever she spoke, causing him to wrinkle his nose at the ones begging her to marry them. Too late, suckers...

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