Episode 4: Danger Games Part 1

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~Somewhere over Swellview~

Doctor Minyak had kidnapped Captain Man and Miss Danger and trapped them in a glass cage with a bomb, oh my! Don't panic. The whole situation was secretly under control; Ray and (y/n) were happily sat in their tiny prison, thousands of feet up in the air over Swellview as Minyak's hijacked cargo plane took them to the location where the evil doctor would enact his heinous plan. Or so he thought.

The couple wouldn't be nearly as relaxed as they were if they thought they were in actual trouble. (y/n) had her back to Ray's chest, his arms and legs curled around her form, trapping her in an embrace that made the villain turn up his nose at how annoyingly adorable they were, and in his hands, was his phone. He insisted that they play some new mobile game called Sky Whale and they couldn't really care what Minyak had to say or evilly laugh about when they were breaking their new high score. Or rather, Ray was breaking it, (y/n) was just there to giggle and kiss his jawline when he did something clever.

The spiky, ball, bomb thing next to them wasn't alarming either, not when they knew they had superpowers to protect them and another sidekick waiting to make his move. Henry was hiding in a box of cargo, poised to sneak and take out Minyak's goons, but he had to wait for the opportune moment, which wasn't now 'cause Minyak was busy monologuing.

"Hahahahahaha, yes! Oh, yes! Lock that box, lock it hard!" The criminal victoriously screeched at his minions as they sealed the see-through box tightly shut, not that Ray or his girl were interested. Yeah, space was limited and they really had to squeeze in to both fit, but they weren't complaining. It was nice to be wrapped up in each other so completely and Sky Whale was so addictive, it made any prospect of danger seem irrelevant.

"Aw, poor Captain Man and his little girlfriend, Miss Danger. You've got to start thinking outside the box!" Doctor Minyak chuckled, loving his pun and how sassy it made him seem. He'd finally done it, he'd captured his greatest enemy and was sending his dumb girlfriend down with him like two birds with one stone. His plan was coming along perfectly, but he had imagined a little more attention from the heroes as he captured them and they waited for their doom.

"Uh, uh, wait, uh, we just need to, uh, hang on a second..." Ray mumbled, taking a thumb off his phone momentarily to just tell the man to shut up whilst he concentrated. It was hard enough trying to focus with his girl pressed against him and the scent of her perfume filling the box, driving him crazy, he didn't need this dummy blabbing in his ear. They were so close to a new high score and just seeing how excited (y/n) got as he played spurred him on even further (the kisses were a huge bonus).

"Wha—are you playing a game?" Minyak snapped, peering through the glass so he could see over their heads and he instantly noticed the brightly coloured, saturated pixels of some mobile application doohickey. He was more of a chess man and had no idea what they were up to, he was just pouty that they thought some weird, flying whale was better thanks him and his evilness.

"Yeah, it's called Sky Whale! Captain Man is amazing at it and I have to say, whoever made this game must be geniuses." The young woman gushed, turning her head to press yet another kiss to her boyfriend's cheeks so he'd know how impressed she was. Who knew Ray would be good at a game for kids? She wasn't particularly good at navigating the whale on the clouds, but that didn't mean she couldn't take pleasure in sitting back and watching him play instead.

"Oh, oh! I'm up in space, sweet girl!" Ray laughed as his character moved higher, his mood lifting even more when (y/n) pecked him on the lips this time since a bigger achievement deserved a bigger reward. Well, if his skill brought him kisses, then perhaps he'd just have to keep ignoring Minyak and snuggle up to his girl instead. He wouldn't complain, not when those pretty eyes crinkled when she giggled. "I am having a good time!"

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