Episode 8: Back to the Danger Part 2

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~Swellview Tech University~

Okay, in a pinch, Ray Manchester could be pretty smart, or rather, he actually started listening.

They had the biggest problem of their superhero careers on their hands, well, one of them, and as such, he'd stopped, thought about what they were doing and as per his sweet girl's advice, had borrowed two whiteboards from Schwoz and some coloured pens so he could draw up a plan of attack.

It was a bit simple and a bit all over the place with some doodles to fill in the empty space, but it was good enough and (y/n) was happy that they weren't gonna jump in headfirst without thinking things through. She was proud of him and tried to cover up her fear with a soft smile as he finished the last doodle and she and Henry sat down to listen.

"Okay, guys, here's the plan." Ray started, tapping the board with a random chopstick he'd found in Schwoz's dorm room. It had probably been left over from a batch of Chinese takeout, but for this purpose, it would do for pointing at his bullet points and the equations (y/n) had worked out for him about velocity, time and distance in a taxi. They were ready to hear it, especially since this was the first time they'd ever sat down as a team for a pow-wow. "Go."

"We leave here in a taxi cab, which'll take us to Glass Tech Industries, where my daddy works." Ray started, going through the first half of the board pretty quickly as it wasn't a particularly complex step, but there was one thing that made Henry shiver. And (y/n) honestly, but it was for a vastly different reason.

"Ummm, you're too old to say daddy." Henry cringed, thinking it sounded weird that his boss, who was well into his thirties, was using a word that was generally associated with little kids and their parents.

"Well, this is nineteen-eighty-nine, back when I called him daddy, so..." Ray shrugged, not seeing the big deal. It was just a title for a man he rarely saw and it reminded him that once upon a time, he had been a normal kid and things between them were good. Henry still didn't like it though, thinking it played too much into his alter-ego as a man-child.

"Um, well, you sound like a baby."

"'Kay, how about dad? Dad? Can I call him dad? Da-da-da-dad? That okay with you?!" Ray snapped back, feeling like they were getting too into this, but (y/n) didn't mind. It was great entertainment in such a tense moment and she was half tempted to stir the pot and make the kid next to her really blush. Was it cruel to make him internally puke and groan? Nah... "Yes, please!"

"Honestly, I don't mind him saying daddy..." The woman added slyly, watching as the smirk grew on Ray's face when he saw the mischievous look in her eyes at the idea of the name. How scandalous, his sweet girl ruined by such filth...he loved it, the wickedness that laid underneath her innocence. Henry, however, reacted predictably, gagging and retching at her comment that was perfectly calculated to wind him up, which showed when the adults burst out laughing at his strong reaction.

"Oh god! You two are animals!" Henry groaned as they chuckled, finding the way he rubbed his eyes and screwed up his nose hilarious. It was so easy to tease him, just a little bit and it wasn't like they were telling him the truth. Ray and (y/n) had their own little names already sorted out, ranging from cute and harmless to downright sinful when put to use. They could've said a lot worse, but their teasing was only that, some harmless fun before they returned to the matter at hand.

"Okay, now, Drex is most likely gonna try locate eight-year-old me to stop me before I skateboard into the densitiser. See the way it happened was...rode in on ma skateboard." Ray smirked at his sidekicks, getting all giddy at the thought of his epic story and how he'd been made indestructible, but the problem was that he'd told it to them a million times.

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