Episode 5: Toon in For Danger

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Okay, this had to be one of Ray's greatest accomplishments. He'd had a few, became a superhero, set up the Man Cave, became globally famous and the one he was most proud of, he'd finally had the guts to ask (y/n) to be his girlfriend. Not fiancée, not yet anyway, that would soon take the top spot, but for now, this thing came second.

He didn't know how they had pulled it off or whose hands they greased in the right way, but some animation studio had approached him and his sidekicks and asked if they wanted them to make a cartoon about Captain Man, Miss Danger and Kid Danger, such an honour. Of course, they said yes, how could they not? It had all been contracted, signed and put into production with their blessing and the promise that it would bring untold joy to their fans who couldn't get enough of the superheroes in their lives, so they'd been building up to this moment for months and now, it was here.

Okay, technically, the moment was in a couple of days as the show was having its debut on the TV and they'd have to watch it at a special screening hosted by the president of the Man Fans, or Piper as she was known to most people. However, there had been a twist of fate that really got Ray bouncing; the animation team had somehow, accidentally sent them a copy of their new show and being the sneaky little shits they were, Schwoz and his boss refused to send it back, saying something about how it was only right that they saw it and gave it their stamp of approval before it was released to the world and honestly, (y/n) was inclined to agree with them, much to Charlotte's shock.

The woman wasn't typically one for egotistical moves or shows of grandeur and just knowing that she was gonna be in a TV show was a little freaky, but it was exciting if a tad nerve-wracking. This was, like, the perfect way for her to be in a show, she didn't have to be on camera, she didn't have to do anything embarrassing, but she still got to see her name in lights and see how happy it made her boyfriend, it was a win-win situation and come on, the company would never know if they saw the cartoon a few days early. It wouldn't hurt anything and it was about them, their reputations, their lives, it made sense for them to watch it, well, that was her argument.

"Ray, can you go holo-call Henry and tell him to get his butt over here? We can't watch the first episode without him." (y/n) asked her boyfriend over her shoulder as she carried some bowls of popcorn over to the couch. They had drinks, snacks, everything they needed for the perfect viewing session, only one of the three main stars was absent and they couldn't start without him, he was an important member of the team. He glanced over in her direction, a smile creeping onto his face as her new dress twirled around her thighs and he had to mentally slap himself so he'd remember how to use his tongue.

"Uh, yeah, sure, sweet girl." He mumbled, shaking his head to get himself back into reality and she automatically knew what he was thinking about. It's why she'd bought a dress that swished about so much, it made a guy who was usually so confident trip over himself and Charlotte rolled her eyes when she saw how icky they were being. Ugh, where was Henry when she needed someone to barf with?

The large man strolled over to the computer, thinking about what he was gonna say. Just telling the kid seemed too boring and so not his style, plus, he kinda wanted the fact that they'd been sent a copy of the video by accident a secret, so he mulled it over for a few seconds and finally came up with the perfect Ray-like idea; he'd make it out like something was terribly wrong and that Henry needed to come as fast as his skinny legs could carry him, y'know, just to keep him on his toes. That should make him shift, so he was gonna do it.

"Hey, Ray, what's going on?" The boy answered the call pretty quickly, less than a minute after he'd punched in the right buttons and the fact that he'd been triple-beeped meant that he was sort of, on edge. That signal was only supposed to be for emergencies, so to hear it in the middle of Piper's big plans for their living room was jarring and made his anxiety spike.

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