Episode 7: Back to the Danger Part 1

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It was just another "normal" evening in the Man Cave. Everyone had assembled for a relaxed, fun-filled evening, Ray, Henry, (y/n), Schwoz, Charlotte and Jasper, everyone was there, all of them ready to watch Dog Judge, one of the hottest shows on TV and to say they were excited was a huge understatement. It was a big episode that night and they were getting ready to watch it together, cooking popcorn, popping sodas and apparently for Ray, finding batteries for his vibrating soap. Yeah, no idea.

It was one of those lame products from the shopping channels, the ones that come on in the early hours of the night when everyone but him is asleep and with his girl snoozing next to him and unable to say no, he'd ordered himself a bar, believing that it would clean him better than normal soap. There was a downside though and it was typical of something that came from those hyped-up, oversaturated ads, there were no damn batteries, so Henry had been sent off on a mission; venture down below into the storage room and dig out some high-voltage power packs, ones that would be able to kick his soap into vibration.

"Hey. What's up, guys?" The boy greeted his friends as he came up the tube, the freakishly large batteries in his hands as he stepped down from the pad and trotted down the stairs. Now, (y/n) wasn't particularly happy that he'd been sent down there, bickering with Ray like they were an old married couple, for three main reasons; one, she thought that for twenty dollars, her boyfriend's little gadget should've had batteries included or two, he should've never bought the stupid thing in the first place (twenty fucking dollars indeed). And three, the big one really, it was his toy so he should've gotten off his ass and done it himself. The storage room was where they kept him, locked up tight so he couldn't move, see, think, feel or touch, and despite all that, she hated the idea of any of her friends getting too close, feared that they'd somehow get hurt by his rage and malice. "Do you know what time Dog Judge—"

"Ahhhhh, hurry! It's about to start! Somebody turn on Dog Judge!" Schwoz shrieked as he came running in, interrupting Henry and shoving him harshly onto the floor in his stampede, the bucket of popcorn under his arm flying everywhere. He belly-flopped onto the couch as Henry groaned and got to his feet, the genius uncaring since he needed to sort out the TV and apparently, Ray didn't care much either, not when he saw what the kid had retrieved.

"Hey, give me those eight-volt batteries." He told Henry, holding his hand out impatiently, which earned him a sharp smack on the arm from his sweet girl, who wasn't pleased with how he was behaving. Still, at least he'd shut up now that he had the batteries, which had enough charge to power a goddamn car, so why the soap needed them was beyond her. Henry hand them over, ignoring the mild ache in his side from where he'd hit the tiles since it was useless whining. "Yeah, sure, here."

"Uh, what do you need eight-volt batteries for?" Charlotte asked. She hadn't heard this story before and therefore, wasn't in the know, but she guessed that it had something to do with why Ray kept batting his eyelashes at (y/n) and why he was buttering her up constantly, more than usual anyway. He only did that when she was slightly annoyed by one of his antics and wanted to get back into her good books, so it had to be something to do with this, otherwise, she wouldn't be eyeing the batteries with such disdain.

"For my vibrating soap," Ray responded simply, holding the bar up so she could see it and the slot where the batteries were meant to fit into. Okay, that confused the teen for so many reasons that her brain short-circuited and she struggled to comprehend why he'd feel the need to buy that, so she could see why her friend was kinda pissed off. "But why would you need—ugh, never mind."

"Don't ask, he won't even explain it to me, the big dumb, doofus," (y/n) told the girl, shaking her head fondly at her silly boyfriend and his expression softened too when he saw how she wasn't mad, more amused at his ridiculous purchase, but his eyes turned hard suddenly, the minute his gaze returned to the batteries and he realised something dreadful. "Ah, dark nougat!"

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