Episode 18: Danger Things

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~Henry's House~

Ah, Halloween. The season for all things spooky, creepy and a little bit weird, and this year was gonna be no different.

Henry had good memories of the holiday; ever since he was a little kid, he loved the candy, the costumes, the going out with his friends to throw eggs at snooty people's houses, but in recent years, things had been just a bit more special. No one could forget the first year he spent in the Man Cave and ever since then, he'd discovered that the "adults" there were as much of a sucker for Halloween as he was.

That year had been a good year, way back when Jasper tried to pretend to be Kid Danger for a girl who moved out of town three months later, but some good did come out of that crazy night and it was just his epic zombie tennis player 'stume. No, that was the night when Ray practically had a heart attack when (y/n) decided to be a superhero and went on her first "mission". Sure, Jeff wasn't exactly a difficult arrest but in some ways, that evening had been a twist of fate, some kind of weird premonition about what was to come, her destined path to the superhero's path, but that was her and Ray all over.

Those two were star-crossed in every way and were no doubt gonna be all over each other tonight considering that ever since that first confession, they'd taken to seizing every opportunity because for years they'd pushed away what was meant to be and had insisted that their fates lied elsewhere. Not anymore though, and Henry would be off to seem the Man Cave's hottest couple, and Schwoz, and Jasper, and Charlotte presently, just as soon as he finished this damn Jack-o'-lantern for Ray.

"Halloween, Halloween, Ha-allo-ween... Oh, what fun it is to shave a werewolf till he's clean, hey!" The boy sang halfheartedly as he sneakily used his laser to carve into the orange flesh. And this wasn't just a bog-standard, run-of-the-mill pumpkin, no, no, this was a special order, placed by Ray because Henry had some serious carving skills and the hero had a serious ego.

As per his instructions, the kid had spent all afternoon chipping away bits of pumpkin until his boss's face was illuminating the darkness around him. And adding a brown wig from Junk-N-Stuff just completed the wacky look and the kid was proud of his work, he just didn't know why Ray would want such a thing, well, apart from waning to be vain and have his finacé coo over how handsome he was. Just wait until (y/n) saw this...

"This pumpkin looks goooood!" Henry exclaimed as he referenced his work to the large, blown-up photo of Ray that the man himself had so graciously given him so he'd know what perfection was. Yeah, he'd done a pretty good job, it looked identical to the photo, but nothing would make the weirdness go away, he just hoped that his boss would be pleased with his services.

However, the only people who couldn't see his work and adore it were his parents and luckily for him, they just so happened to walk through the door, like God hated him and wanted them to find out what he was up to or something.

Reacting quickly, he threw his laser into the plant pots and turned the pumpkin around so they'd assume that he was just hacking at some regular lantern, nothing special to see here. God, how would he explain the precision of his cutting or why his boss needed to see his face all lit up? Quite simply, he wouldn't be able to.

"Hey! Sweet 'stumes! Let me guess, don't tell me...you are  people who just got bitten by zombies but haven't turned into zombies yet." Henry grinned at his parents like nothing was wrong and automatically assumed that they were just gearing up for a night of spookiness and splendour like he was. Maybe their costumes were boring but hey, they were old, he could overlook it.

"We're not wearing 'stumes. We're leaving!" Mrs Hart exclaimed, not wanting to know what her son was up to since her night was gonna be pretty eventful by all accounts. Well, it would be if she and her husband ever left the house. It was probably not a good idea to leave her son in charge of the house, even if he was quite mature in some ways, but she couldn't find a housesitter now and not one that she liked enough to pay. She'd have to find one later.

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