Episode 17: Up the Stairs!

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Oh, Charlotte.

She was the long-suffering smart one in the Man Cave if you didn't include (y/n) on the list of sane people against not so sane people. It was hard being the only responsible helper when the heroes were out doing whatever heroes do; Schwoz was smart but often too weird to be classed as "normal" and Jasper, well, he was Jasper.

That meant that the girl was often left to work alone when Ray, Henry and (y/n) went out to fight bad guys and bring home the bacon, all that jazz and because the woman was in a similar situation, she often understood how she felt. Sorry not sorry, but for the most part, it was always like Miss Danger was Captain Man and Kid Danger's carer, y'know, she cared so they didn't have to, she always paid attention to the small things and listened to her gut when it sensed there was peril, and that had gotten them out of a few scrapes.

But that didn't mean that her role on the team was easy, taking care of a man-child and a still-developing teen made her want to tear her hair out at times like when shit happened, they received texts and failed to relay the information to her, y'know, the other smart one. And that brought them onto Exhibit A...

The boys came down the tubes with huge grins on their faces, (y/n) bundled up in Ray's arms with a whole load of Inside-Out Burger takeout in hers. They were joking about this, that and the other, the other being some funny thing that had happened to them whilst they were out on their mission, and as a reward for saving the day yet again, they'd picked up a few burgers, fries, onion rings, sodas, you name it they bought it.

And why the hell not? They were oblivious to anything else apart from their rumbling tummies and for two, the need to make up for time lost during Ray's jaunt to California. Yeah, it had been a tough week for him; Minyak had been insufferable, his back and butt were aching, his heart was hurting and by the end of it, the Man Cave had never looked so welcoming.

"Hey! You guys are back here already?" Charlotte asked the heroes as they walked down from the tubes, Ray's arm firmly around (y/n)'s waist with no intention of letting go as she carried their food close to her chest, a mix of their favourites that she had no intention of losing it now that she had it. "What happened out there?"

"What do you mean?"

"We just went to Inside-Out Burger." Henry and Ray had blank faces as they gestured to their purchases, (y/n) shaking her paper sack full of greasy goodness that was gonna be in her tummy soon enough. Henry was sipping his soda too as the woman painted a soft smile on her face, thinking that all was well in the world because as always, her doofus and friend had failed to tell her anything that Charlotte had alerted them about, things like emergency texts just as a random example.

"Did you guys not get my text messages?" Charlotte asked sternly, making focusing on Henry and Ray since they were normally the guilty ones for not replying, (y/n) was pretty good about stuff like that, but for once, the woman was also guilty because she'd failed to read them, although to be fair, she did have a very good reason.

"Oh, no, I couldn't. I left my phone here 'cause it needed to charge but Ray had his and so did Henry..." She shrugged, feeling concerned but also guiltless since she couldn't react to something she didn't know existed and in all fairness, she'd trusted her fiancé to read what people sent him, the same with the kid, but no. If you want something done properly, charge your phone and do it yourself.

"Uhhhhh, text messages...I've seen it..."

"Uh, I got one from you, like, last week--oh no, here's one from you..." The boys muttered as they briefly scrolled through their test and yeah, there just so happened to be one from the worried teen, but neither could bring themselves to care now that they were old news.

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