Episode 20: Flabber Gassed

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~The Man Cave~

Sometimes, even in a place as kooky and crazy as the Man Cave, the boredom set in. Between crimes and calls, the family found themselves doing nothing, just sitting around and eating auto-snacker delights because they had nothing better to do.

That often led to creativity springing from the strangest places. Today, during the drypoint of the day, Ray, (y/n), Jasper, Henry and Charlotte had set up a videogame to have some fun. And this wasn't any regular videogame. It was one of those new inventions that everyone was obsessed with but few could afford, not that money stood in the way of Ray Manchester.

Of course, he had better things to save for, a much happier, more special event that was creeping closer day after day, even if there still wasn't a set date, just general anticipation for the moment when his life became that much sweeter. Anyway, in a moment of madness, that (y/n) would definitely scold him later for, Ray had whacked the game and the wicked exoskeleton, motion sensor suit things that were needed to immerse yourself fully into the virtual world.

It was a fighting game, what else would it be when it came to internet popularity? Violence and adrenaline were what people loved, the Man Cave team included. With the suits on, they could each control a character onscreen and then kick and punch to their hearts' content until they became the victor. Simple really, and good fun, a good release of pent-up energy, and a good training opportunity - Ray's excuse, not theirs.

"Yes, come on, Henry! Finish her! He's finally gonna dethrone the queen!" Ray cheered as he, (y/n) and Jasper sat on the sidelines, waiting for a turn since the game was a two-player only. Still, it gave him a good chance to snuggle with his girl as they watched the epic match, the only barrier being the thick suits blocking a truly heartwarming experience. Saying that, despite their proximity and tendency to swap kisses every couple of minutes, they were batting for different sides; one on Team Henry, the other on Team Charlotte.

"Finish heeeeeer!" Jasper yelled too, screeching at the top of his voice because so far, the games hadn't exactly been fair in terms of spreading out the victories. Charlotte had found her niche and it turns out that she was quite vicious when it came to fighting and if it wasn't for her small size and lack of muscle, she'd be quite good at it too. So, when a videogame came out that allowed her to kick the shit out of people and not get hurt, naturally she excelled.

"Dude, that was right in my ear!" Ray snapped as he leaned into his sweet girl to try and protect his poor little eardrums. Just because they couldn't burst didn't mean it didn't hurt and besides, it did have quite an appealing bonus; (y/n) cooed and pecked his cheek at how he winced, hoping that she could him feel better. He'd take that treatment any day of the week if it was her being his nurse.

"I'm gonna do it! I'm finally gonna--what's happening? Wait..." Henry's cockiness soon stopped when Charlotte, who loved to toy with her prey before she went in for the kill, started fighting back, kicking and punching his character with everything she had. The bear avatar that she had chosen unleashed its fury onto Henry's Hair creature thing, causing the boys to panic at how the girls were now winning.

"Come on, Char, beat the crap out of him!" (y/n) clapped her hands as her side crept into the lead, pushing Henry's health bar lower and lower until the kid had no other option but to panic. It was ironic really; he was supposed to be the sidekick, he'd been fighting every week since he was thirteen but in this videogame, he and even Captain Man were useless against the girl.

"Run, Henry, run!"

"I'm running! I'm running!" Following his boss's advice, the kid jogged on the spot so his character could move away from the bear's punches and maybe regain some health before going in for another attack, but it was no use. Where he went, Charlotte followed, right until they reached the boundary of the level, leaving the hair creature thing trapped against an invisible barrier. One strong kick from the girl and it was all over, his character fell to the floor in a knockout and he was left with a humiliating defeat. Game over.

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