Episode 14: Saturday Night Lies

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Oh, what a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and everything was blissful for the Man Cave team. Just a regular morning in the store above their true place of work and things were good. No peril or emergencies, just them hanging out and it was welcomed after the whole Ray being Frankini debacle.

It had been a week or two since that...odd experience and things were mostly back to normal; Ray and (y/n) had been as touchy as ever after getting over the fact that Frakini had safely been returned to prison with that moron Goomer and was no longer in the hero's body. Ray was Ray, in body and soul, and once she remembered that, they were kissing and hugging and holding hands and bleughbleughbleugh, whatever else they did to affirm their relationship and make the teens gag.

Work was good, a few customers here and there, junk on the shelves in case anyone needed it and the kids were gainfully employed in their official jobs, the ones that were written down on paper in case any official people came sniffing around. And that's why Ray had dragged his beloved fiancée up to the store, holding the hand that held her engagement ring as they brushed through the beaded curtain because that's where their friends were. Working. Upstairs. And they wanted to see what was happening...amongst other things.

"Yo, yo, yo, kiddios! Check out this new invention that Schwoz and (y/n) just made for me!" Ray grinned at Henry, Charlotte and Jasper as they waltzed onto the shop floor, looking so proud that he was holding a tiny piece of tech between his fingers, which had been made by his sweet girl. And Schwoz but he was nowhere near as pretty or sweet or lovely. She'd made it for him, a small doohickey that he'd watched her tinker over for the past few hours and he couldn't be more smitten.

"Ooh, I wanna see!"

"What is it?"

"Ughhhh..." Came the replies of the kids, ranging from pure excitement, which would be Jasper, to mild interest at seeing something cool, which would be Henry, and mild irritation, which would be Charlotte, who knew that he was only excited because it was a present from (y/n). And Schwoz. But mainly his sweet girl, the one he made goo-goo eyes for.

"Check it." Ray grinned and held up what looked like some kind of robot pen thing. To be fair, it did look quite sleek and sophisticated, and if it had anything to do with the bright young woman and genius then it would be jammed packed with tiny circuitry and gizmos that shamed the work of NASA scientists and the like. So much wonder in one small tube, perfectly sealed and bolted with a kiss, revolting but cute.

"Uh, I don't think (y/n) or Schwoz invented the pen." Charlotte frowned, making the woman smile and bite her lip. Yeah, that's what you were supposed to think; sure, she hadn't invented the biro but this was cool and a credit to her name since she'd done most of the work with only a few inputs from Schwoz. He was more of a general genius and she specialised in her little mechanical engineering world. "It's true, we did not."

"She thinks it's just a pen. She thinks it's just a pen!" Ray laughed and the boys joined in with him like it was all some big joke. Yeah, laugh at the girl who took the initiative, that was new, but honestly, it did look like a pen. It was a pen and it fooled Kid Danger and Jasper too.

"So did we."

"Yeah, we all thought it was just a pen." They admitted once the laughing had died down and Ray internally scoffed. His clever girl could do more than just shove some ink in a metal casing and call it a day, she was much more of an engineer, scientist and sexy superhero all rolled into one, as he would now demonstrate.

"Well, it also happens to be a nose hair trimmer!" He exclaimed, shaking the pen a few times so the sensors inside switched the tip from a ballpoint to a small buzzing razor that fitted perfectly in his nostril. Okay, maybe not (y/n)'s classiest invention, something that got shoved up someone's nose but it was the kind of weird gadget that Ray loved and she never disappointed the customer, especially not him. He was happy and therefore, so was she.

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