Episode 12: Toddler Invasion

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~The Man Cave~

What a long day. A stupidly long, laborious, fucking tiresome day and it was only two in the afternoon. That's the life of a superhero for ya, emergencies whenever, whether it be in the early hours of the morning or slap bang in the middle of the afternoon, Captain Man and his sidekicks were out at all times.

It was done now though, the call had been dealt with, they'd saved the day, been showered with applause, yada, yada, yada and mercifully, they'd made it home. Well, they'd made it back to base, the home of the lovebirds, but it was like a second home for Henry and it had chairs. To sit on. Thank god.

The victorious trio came down the tubes, the kid going solo and Ray holding his sweet girl in his arms like usual, all of them thankful to see the sight of the computer, sprocket and just the general brightness that was the Man Cave, the one place where they could relax. Yeah, it was home.

"It was actually invented in the seventeen-hundreds by a guy named Kevin Sham." Ray told Henry as they landed and stepped away from the tubes, using that dumb, "I know everything" voice he only used when he was explaining something and trying to sound clever.

Silly doofus, he probably wasn't right, but (y/n) couldn't find it in herself to go off on a rant and correct him, not when he sounded so smiley and happy. Plus, he was holding her hand and feeling real touchy today, so she didn't want to spoil that, not when every peck on her temple or soft kiss to her lips made her tummy tingle. How could it be possible to love one man so much?

"Kevin Sham?" Henry repeated, not looking particularly convinced but whatever. Ray was calm and in a good mood, feeling good after kicking ass and now he had a free afternoon with his best friend and fiancée, Henry didn't want to sour that. He valued the peace, even if their PDA was a bit much sometimes.

"Yeah, and he made it by mixing honey with cat poop." The hero went on, smirking at his youngest sidekick since he was feeling like a wise professor imparting knowledge onto his student, the one who would one day take his place as the great one. Some mystical bullshit like that, whatever it was, he felt it. And it made him look cool in front of his sweet girl, so win-win.

"Ohhhh, that's why they call it shampoo." Henry smiled but then looked disgusted and (y/n) just looked confused. Okay, he really was a doofus, where did he get these facts from? Did he enjoy making them up or did he actually believe them? 'Cause all of them were wacky and she just couldn't keep her knowledge in anymore, not when he was turning the student into a dunce. Wise professor, her ass.

"Uh, you know that's not true, right?" She chuckled at Ray, watching as he scoffed playfully and pinched her cheeks like she was the cutely dumb one. Seriously? He looked at her as if he knew exactly what he was talking about, but really, he didn't.

Ray just wanted to see her smile and hear how clever she was, see her tongue poke out as she weakly chastised him and then got all excited as she explained the truth behind shampoo. He wanted all of it, even if he didn't really care about the stuff. He cared about her and that's all that mattered. "Yeah, it is, sweet girl. Disgusting but true."

"You doofus, shampoo comes from Hindi and I won't bore you with the etymology of it all, but—what the giant gift basket is this?" (y/n) slowly walked down with them from the tube pads, trying to not sound like a massive nerd but sometimes, that raging geek inside of her just needed to be let loose.

It usually happened when she scienced with Schwoz, but sometimes, occasionally, she ranted and raved to her fiancé on topics ranging from the theory of evolution or nuclear fissile chain reactions to the study of affricative consonants, she just exploded. But not today.

She was about to explode and possibly bore Henry, not Ray, never Ray. He could listen to her explanations all day and loved to see how excited they made her, but she never made it that far. The spark never made it to the bomb, the fuse was put out by something peculiar. Very peculiar.

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