Episode 6: Meet Cute Crush

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~In the Man Cave~

"Remind me again why we're watching this crap?" (y/n) asked Charlotte as she sat next to the girl at the supercomputer, which had some crappy, online makeup tutorial up on the screen. The room was quiet, peaceful, tranquil compared to the usual hustle and bustle that occurred with several males stampeding through the Man Cave, so they were taking the time to just chill out, have some quality girl time with no silly boys around to cause them any issues.

Schwoz was off doing god knows what and Henry and Ray were off responding to an emergency call, which left them to do whatever the hell they wanted, and that just so happened to be researching some new makeup tips from teenage wannabe gurus.

Now, (y/n) was definitely missing her boyfriend, feeling like the peace was unnatural in her home as it was him that usually made her life so varied and exciting, but she'd chosen not to follow him on this particular mission, stating that she was sure that three superheroes were a little excessive for a playground problem.

Ray had turned a little mopey at that, whining that he always worked better with her around and with his little secret still under his belt, he didn't want to leave. But she insisted, saying that she'd be at home waiting for him to come back. And that's where they left it, Henry dragging his boss to the tubes as (y/n) pulled a chair up to the computer so she could take the afternoon off.

"Because! It's fun and you never know, you might get some ideas for wooing Ray." Charlotte replied, scrolling through several videos until she found one that looked pretty good, a smiling, brown-haired girl in the thumbnail. The woman on her left rolled her eyes, trying not to let the sly comment get to her, but a blush hit her cheeks, all the same, feeling slightly bashful that the teen loved to tease her about her relationship.

Not one for romantics, Charlotte normally repulsed any ideas of love, preferring to stick to her friends, studies and job, however, she couldn't ignore this couple, not when she knew what was in store and how easy it was to make her squeal.

"He's plenty wooed already, just play the video." (y/n) groaned, hearing the quiet giggles and seeing the way Charlotte's shoulders were shaking with mirth at how she was quick to get playfully defensive. She hit play anyway, leaning back in her chair as the online teen began to speak.

"Now, to save money on eyeshadow, I suggest using...paprika!" The girl, called Lauren, smiled and (y/n) and Charlotte frowned when she began smearing it over her eyelids, making the older woman cringe at how crusty and patchy it was, not forgetting stupidly dangerous.

She was so glad that she was born in the eighties, way back when there was no such thing as the internet and dumb tutorials like this one because she just knew that she might have followed the advice like so many teens sat at home right now. At least Charlotte had common sense and looked just as sceptical as she did.

"If her eyeball isn't on fire now, then it will be when she gets conjunctivitis." (y/n) snorted, watching the girl rub the powder all over her eye area, clearly believing that she had discovered some revolutionary technique for a perfect smokey eye. With her face looking...questionable, Lauren moved on to her next tip, which the girls weren't particularly looking forward to but they kept watching, interested to see how she was gonna save their dollars again.

"And instead of foundation, which is really expensive, you can use...hummus!" She exclaimed, lifting up her pot of crushed chickpeas and that's when (y/n) stopped caring. This had to be satire or some kind of prank because there was no way that anyone would smear a thick, lumpy, vaguely-but-not-really, skin-coloured mush on their face. However, when Lauren actually started doing it, rubbing the hummus into her skin with a tissue, she realised that this was genuine belief. Charlotte slumped in her seat, the truth hitting her too and she was ready to turn it off before any more of their brain cells died, but it turned out that there was one last thing to listen to. "Oh, and notice how I'm not using a sponge! This is just an old tissue found in the trash."

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