Episode 9: Budget Cuts

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~Swellview City Hall~

It wasn't very often that Ray, Henry and (y/n) were invited to a meeting with the Vice Mayor of Swellview, in fact, it never really happened at all.

Therefore, when they received the invitation to the grandest building in the entire city, they didn't hesitate to blow some bubbles and race over there to see what he wanted. Maybe they were getting a prize for being awesome or perhaps, in Ray's opinion, the city council had finally seen sense and had agreed to erect a statue of him in Swellview Park. Whatever it was, they needed to hear and that's why they were strolling through the halls and heading for his office.

"Okay, guys, you can wait right in here and the vice mayor will be in to see you shortly." The young lady accompanying them said as she showed the three into the spacious and rather luxurious office, second only to the one owned by the actual mayor. The girl was sweet enough, all prim and proper since she was the vice mayor's secretary and they gave her a polite smile in return as they stepped through the door, Ray firmly holding his fiancée's hand. God, it felt so weird but so good to say that.

"Sounds good.

"Yeah, shortly." Henry and Ray replied as they took in the fancy furniture and large mahogany desk with numerous stacks of papers on it. It was a relief that they wouldn't be waiting too long, their excitement for what they were gonna be discussing becoming too much for them, especially the couple, who had been giggling like teenagers ever since the proposal. It's like the honeymoon phase never ended for them and Ray had taken to kissing the ring or the place where it sat, the symbol of their promise and love, at every opportunity, even when they were in uniform and it had been removed for safety purposes.

"Would you like some bottled water while you wait?" The secretary smiled, clearly used to her job of meeting and greeting dignitaries and the like, but despite her warm, inviting gaze, the kind offer fell flat when she looked at Henry first. He was a teen, like he would ever drink something that wasn't soda or a milkshake. "Nah, thanks. Water's gross."

"Uh, yeah, I'll have some bottled water." (y/n) nodded, trying to make up for Henry's slight rudeness by accepting the girl's offer. Ray wasn't particularly bothered about getting hydration, why would he want to focus on a bottle of water when he could drink in her and kiss her temple whenever he felt like it. Yeah, he was smitten, completely floored by his sweet girl and his reinvigorated love was the new source of endless teasing from Henry, Schwoz and Jasper, like he cared. She was worth the teasing and he was on cloud nine.

"Sure, would you like it cold or room temperature?" The girl asked further, making the couple wonder why that be important, but whatever. It was nice to be asked, right? She was probably just being sweet and (y/n) didn't mind sweetness; it went with her own and she guessed that she and this secretary were gonna get on fine.

"Uh, well, why don't you surprise me?" The young woman suggested, eagerly anticipating the girl's triumphant return with whatever temperature of water she would choose. Variety was the spice of life and she didn't have the heart to quell that bright grin as she shuffled through the door, intent on bringing her a surprise. A really fucking big surprise. "Okay, I'll be right back."

"Yes, we'll remain right here," Ray smirked, glad that the stranger was out of the room since it meant he was able to turn to his fiancée and wrap his arms around her waist in a gentle kiss. She responded immediately, also less shy now that it was just them and Henry, who'd seen it all before, in the room, meaning he was free to chuckle against her lips when she stretched her neck for more. Jeez, talk about getting a room, just because he'd seen it all before, did not mean that Henry wanted to see it again and again and again and again, so much more frequently now that they were engaged. If he thought it was bad before, it was horrific now.

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