Episode 13: Captain Man-kini (SMUT)

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~The Man Cave~

Morning. Eight AM. Ugh.

Ray awoke to a dimly lit room, his eyes blinking at how the lights had started to flicker to life since it was time for him to get up and start the day; a feature that Schwoz had installed after getting sick of replacing several alarm clocks in a week because the man didn't just silence them, he smashed them. Into a million pieces.

No, the genius had used his...genius to invent a lighting system that meant the lights would slowly brighten the room until they were glaring with the usual Man Cave extravagance that forced everyone out of bed and it was a good thing they did. Today was going to be a very special day and all for the wrong reasons.

The operation had taken days or weeks to plan, every detail scrutinised and planned so methodically and meticulously that the Man Cave team were sure that nothing could go wrong because they knew every movement down to the letter. And it wasn't like they had any choice, desperate times call for desperate measures and try as they might find an easier and safer solution, this was their last option, the only thing that could be done to bring a scumbag to justice and a little old lady out of harm's way.

So, he had to get up. He needed to. Well, he needed to at some point in the next hour, at least. There was a reason the lights were timed to start working at eight and that was because Ray was a firm believer that seemingly bad days should be untangled with a hellishly good morning, something that stemmed from that old scientific nonsense about breakfast setting you up for the day. So he took that idea and ran with it, straight into the arms of his sweet, sweet girl since she was the one he wanted to wake up with and normally, he did.

Day after day, morning after morning, sure as hell, Ray woke up with (y/n) in his arms, her head on his chest, one leg over his hips and more often than not, a mouthful of her hair because of how closely she snuggled into him at night. Yeah, she got close but he couldn't blame her for that, neither did he complain as he never pushed her away, quite the opposite really.

Throughout their slumber, strong arms stayed around her waist and he nuzzled at the soft locks that tickled his cheek, so technically, the whole hair in his mouth thing was his fault, not that it mattered.

They woke up happy and together, that was the important thing. Plus, more often than not, Ray being the teenager in an adult's body that he was, usually woke up hard or in the mood to play dirty in the best sense of the word, so all in all, mornings were usually blissful and some of the best hours they got to spend together since it was just them and no one else. Merely two lovers, waking up in each other's embrace and it was great...if that was what was happening.

Ray's eyes snapped open and his body tensed into rock when he realised that something was wrong. This wasn't a usual morning. There was no hair in his mouth, no nose hooked under his jaw, no lips butterflying across his collarbone, no leg slung over his waist. In short, no sweet girl was cuddling into his side as if her life depended on it, his arms were empty and he was on his own. That was rare, that seldom happened and it was a jolt to his system that chased away his sleepiness and brought his clarity back instantly. No sweet girl. Huh?

Feeling a stab of panic jab into his heart, his mind instantly fearing the worst since he was a superhero with a lot of enemies and today was the day they were bringing one of those bastards in to do a job, so for a second, he imagined that something had gone tragically wrong. Oh god, had his fiancée been kidnapped, tortured, murdered? Stolen from their bed and right under his nose? Whichever moron thought that taking his darling girl was a good idea, then they'd be regretting the day they crossed the line.

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