Episode 11: Car Trek

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It was a pretty exciting time for the Man Cave family because for once, there was no peril, no emergency, no one needed them and they didn't need anyone else. Nope, everything was good, great even. Ray and (y/n) were still dorks in love, Schwoz was still weird, Jasper was still an oddball, Henry was still...Henry and for Charlotte, well, it was someone's birthday...

The girl was turning one year older, the big sweet sixteen and because she'd hit her first milestone birthday, Ray had decided that they all needed to do something special. (y/n) had insisted, telling him everything that the girl loved, from music to makeup, as they laid in bed one morning, a few weeks before the all-important date and she'd told him that every girl needed to do something memorable on her sixteenth, eighteenth and twenty-first birthday.

So, he'd found himself convinced and that's why they were guiding her outside Junk-N-Stuff, headed for Schwoz's rust-bucket RV, a blindfold around Charlotte's eyes so she couldn't peek and ruin the surprise.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Charlotte, happy birthday to you! Woooo!" The group sang as (y/n) and Henry led the birthday girl up the steps and into the large vehicle, careful to not let her trip since a bloody nose wasn't the kind of present that they want to give her. Charlotte could feel electricity in her veins as she questioned where they were taking her, only for the song to drown her out, but she couldn't lie. This felt very special, she felt very special.

"Okay, okay, okay, you ready?" Henry asked as he quietened everyone else down now that they were stood in the communal area of the RV, in the middle between the cosy sleeping quarters at the back and the seats at the front where the driver and their designated passenger could cruise. "I don't know!"

"Ta-dahhh!" They all shouted as Ray removed the blindfold from her eyes and revealed the strobe lighting and shade seating of the RV, which meant the teen wasn't as excited as they had hoped she'd be. In fact, she wasn't sure if it was some kind of prank... "Where am I?"

"You're in Schwoz's RV!" (y/n) grinned at her friend as she felt Ray put an arm around her shoulders and bring her closer to his chest, him feeling the same giddy joy that he was. He looked so darn adorable tonight, so cute and innocent like he was just a big kid underneath all that manliness and she'd argue that was accurate.

Ray couldn't stop smiling for another reason though, not only did she look so damn hot, all dressed up and pretty for their little outing, but their night off meant he was gonna be able to admire the engagement ring for hours and feel it on her finger when they held hands or when she stroked his face when they kissed, absolute bliss...

"Yeah! This is Schwoz's recreational vehicle.." Henry elaborated in a smarmy voice that made his friend chuckle, apart from Charlotte, who still had no idea what was going on. She had thought that her birthday present from them would be big, especially since they said that they'd all chipped in on one thing, Ray and (y/n) paying for most of it, so it had sounded epic, or perhaps not. "...And you guys are giving it to me for my birthday?"

"No, no, no. We're taking you somewhere." Jasper and the others shook their heads, thinking that an RV would be a dumb present for a girl who couldn't drive a car, let alone a huge bus-like death trap. The mode of transport was irrelevant and didn't need a second thought because it wasn't important; it wasn't about the journey, it was about the destination.

"Guess where you're going..." Ray challenged Charlotte whilst his thumb soothingly stroked his girl's shoulder, which was bare and smooth under touch since her flowy dress was off the shoulder and so gorgeous, he could barely take his eyes off of her. No, no, focus on the birthday girl and the million places that she had to guess from, you can admire (y/n) when you're driving...

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