Episode 4: Danger Games Part 2

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~A few hours later, in the Man Cave~

Eventually, (y/n) had dragged Ray home from Henry's house after the boy had begged her to remove him and his ragging from his ears so he and the Game Shakers could get to bed and forget about the stupid game for a few hours. She had agreed, probably quicker than she should have, but his babbling was getting to her too and with a few smiley apologies to the teens, she'd shoved him through the door so they could begin the walk back to the Man Cave, his arm wrapped around her waist as they blew more bubbles to return to normality.

Upon coming back down the elevator, they had discovered Schwoz and Bork testing out some magic tricks and seeing as though the woman had firmly told her boyfriend he was gonna have to wait to get her alone that night after his comment, they had decided to sit back and watch as Schwoz attempted to saw himself in half.

It was a cool trick to be fair, fascinating to watch, difficult to explain and hilariously funny to watch when the two men pulled a very mean trick on the poor guy and pulled the two halves further apart so he could be put back together. Now, Ray was sat on a chair, a root beer in his hand, his girl trying to hide her giggles as she perched on his knee and Bork chuckling next to them as he complained about having his torso on one side of the room and his legs a few metres away.

"Come on, you guys, put me back together!" Schwoz whined as he felt his toes wriggling, but not where he'd normally expect them to be and the strange sensation was bugging him. It was a mean prank, but no one could be assed to help him, not when it seemed oddly humorous to see him struggle, one half here and another half there.

"No, no, Schwoz, you wanted to show us a magic trick, now, you gotta finish it, right, sweet girl?" Ray exclaimed, laughing with his girl as she struggled to not smile, preferring to drown his chuckles in her drink. It wasn't her typical idea of humour but something about it was funny and seeing Ray looking so damn hot in his chair just made her want to sit with him and never move. Complaining would spoil the mood and she didn't want that, not when he looked so good and his hand was casually resting on her inner thigh.

"Yeah, just keep wiggling, Schwoz, you never know, you might get back together on your own." She teased, doing a little wiggling of her own in Ray's lap since she was feeling the effects of the porch kiss coming back and whilst she loved seeing that goofy grin on his face, she was being to regret not letting him drag her off to the bedroom the minute the elevator opened. And speaking of the elevator, Henry and Charlotte had come down to the Man Cave...with a very big problem in tow. He may or may not have brought the unconscious Game Shakers into the Man Cave because they may or may not have discovered his secret identity when they were getting ready for bed. Oops...

"Aw, but I forgot how to reattach myself! Henry! Help me!" Schwoz cried upon seeing the boy and girl wheeling in a massive tube of teens, but he was way too stressed out to help anyone but himself and the sight of the kids/strangers in the Man Cave, (y/n)'s mouth drop open in pure shock, but luckily, Ray hadn't noticed yet, which was good, as Henry started panicking. "No, no, I can't, man! I got something going on right now!"

"Uh, Bork, can you take the talking part of Schwoz out of here, please?" The young woman asked the strongman politely as her hand grew clammy at the glimpse of Hudson wearing Henry's mask that caught her eye and Henry quickly covered his face with a tissue before Ray completely lost it. He was gonna, he was gonna lose all of his shit and scream and shout, but he hadn't noticed yet and that gave them time to prepare and panicked as Schwoz's head was wheeled away.

"No, no, wait, wait, you have to take my feet, no! Stay alive, I will find you! He cried as Bork dragged him off to the hidden rooms behind the supercomputer and (y/n) had about five seconds of pointing and eyebrow gestures to silently interrogate the teens about why the fuck were there a bunch of unknown kids in the hideout and why was wearing a superhero's mask and costume. The worried, panicked, terrified, nervous, crazed hand gestures and pained expressions she got in return weren't telling a good story.

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