Chapter 28

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All I can offer for songs is the Pearl Jam MTV Unplugged (thanks youtube) because that's literally what I continuously listened to while writing. Enjoy loves :)))))

Louis began to go into a full on slaughter of the word fine and how it was a lie and overrated. I just stared as he lectured me on if I needed him or if I didn't. Though he couldn't tell because I used the word fine, that's how Louis William Tomlinson feels about that.

My phone rang interrupting his rant and I put it to my ear, "Hello."

"Hey I'm in the driveway. Do you want me to come in?"

More than anything because I've made Louis go into debate-team-Louis and it's scary. I love him and his opinions but he turns into a freshman on a debate team, scaring the hell out of me.

"I'll just come out thanks," I hung up and fake-smiled at Louis before kissing his cheek. I ran out the door while waving goodbye and bid farewell to debate-team-tommo. I jumped into Kayla's truck with eagerness that soon dropped because of Harry. I looked at my friend with a doe-eyed look because of these uneasy thoughts that made me queasy.

"Have you seen Harry?" Was all I could get out and I wanted to laugh at myself out of pity.

"No, not today, why?" Kayla asked and I'm sure she was confused.

"Making sure he hasn't flipped out because I'm pretty sure I didn't check in with him," I made a nervous face and looked down at my phone to see the missed calls.

The whole log of them was filled by Niall and Harry. I had one from my mom and made sure to make a note to call her when I got home.

"He'll probably turn up soon enough," Kayla tried to assure me but I don't think anything can wash away the trepidation I felt. "I honestly don't even know how I got home last night."

"How in the hell I ended up Louis' new house is beyond me. Do you remember anything?" I asked her curiously, hoping for something to give me a clue.

"No I've tried to remember the whole ride here," I mentally groaned and put my head in my hands.

"Fuck we got hammered," I laughed a little but stopped remembering my feeling of fear I had.

"So what happened at Louis' last night?"

"I have a slight idea, but not a full one," I shook my head at myself.

"Well what's your idea?"

"Well I have a theory that my drunken self went to his house. I was supposed to help him move last night so I put two and two," I shrugged a little and remembered what Louis had told me.

He still never told me about that talk.

"Wow, so I guess we both woke up at weird places this morning," Kayla added and I laughed.

I was about to say something but my phone rang. I answered it with a sigh and my ear was nearly blown off. "Lillian Rose Humprhies! Where in the hell are you! Runaway one more time I dare you!"

I was taken back and confused, "So I didn't go back to Louis' last night?"

Our elevator stopped and I saw a familiar head of curls by our apartment door. I quickly hit the doors close then emergency stop, my phone falling out of my hand. "You haven't called him have you?" Fear was dominant in my voice and Kayla budded into the conversation.

"I have a plan," Kayla started and I payed attention, waiting for an explanation. "Okay, so we went out to get ice cream and Advil for my hangover. Then if he asks where you were last night I'll just cover for you and tell him that you stayed the night here and that you were looking out for me, because I got drunk off my ass."

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