Chapter 40

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Oh my God Cara is just so stunning, she is literally my idol, her and Blake Lively of course. Anyways here are the songs:)))

Lilac Wine - Miley Cyrus (the backyard sessions)

Pablow The Blowfish (I miss you) -Miley Cyrus

The Twinkle Song (I had a dream) - Miley Cyrus

"William don't!" He tripped over the bag and I cringed as he got back up, running around again.

I hung up a banner saying Happy 1st Birthday and smiled, loving the dining room all decorated. My parents had agreed to letting us use their house, but only the boys, Cara, Teddy, Gemma, Rae and her family could come. Including Anne and all the moms, they all were included, my parents didn't mind the adults.

Louis kissed my cheek as he walked past, and I smiled at him, watching him as he grabbed more tape. I was trusting him with wrapping the presents we had both got Will, up in my old room. My mom and dad were out getting the cake, Anne was fixing drinks and food at her house, bringing them over soon. Then there was Harry, who was watching after William but also putting out paper cups and such. He was trying his best to watch William but it's hard to multitask for him.

"When are Rae and Karlee coming?" Harry asked and I shrugged at him, turning around towards him.

"Any minute now, there's thirty minutes till the party, but I told them to get here early." I admired my handiwork around the kitchen and dining room, then walked into the living room.

I had blown up a bunch and bunch of balloons that were in fact Thomas the Train, the kid couldn't get enough of him. I kicked some out of my way as I sat on the couch, taking a small, well deserved break. The first birthday is so tiring, why, you'd think it'd be easier. I'm just happy he hasn't experienced a Chucky-Cheese yet, he's too young, but still.

"Mommy!" I heard William call for me, faintly and I sighed, standing up. I turned around to see him standing in the dining room.

"What is it?" I asked as I neared him and he just giggled, running away.

I knew what he wanted, he wanted me to chase him around, sounds fun to me. I reached out my arms, running after him and he giggled and giggled, running around the dining room and kitchen.

"Lilli, Harry, we've got the cake," I would have cringed at our named being said together, but I didn't.

Lately Harry and I had been getting along, getting closer, as friends only. I loved Louis who had asked me to be his girlfriend, officially a week ago. I've hung out with Zayn and Liam a lot more and called up my old friends. They were right, I am a friend hopper, but I'm changing my ways slowly.

I stopped chasing William and asked him to stay in daddy's sight before walking back into the kitchen. My mom was holding the cake and Dad had two bags. She sat it on the counter and opened it up, showing me the cake. I gasped at it, being perfectly shaped like a train and like Thomas. I smiled widely as William came running and my dad scooped him up.

"Guess what I got?" He said to Will and grabbed a tub of ice cream from a bag. "Ice cream, for your party mister, you better eat some."

William laughed while giggling out a Papa or two. He had learned how to say their names, Nana and Papa and enjoyed it thoroughly. He liked to just say it, over and over with them, they didn't mind though, they loved it.

"Mom, where is Rae?" I questioned and she shrugged, giving a how should I know look. "I'll be back." I stepped outside and sat down on a rocking chair.

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