Chapter 22

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Crocodile Rock-Elton John
Small Bump- Ed Sheeran
Live While We're Young-One Direction

A knock at the door drew me away from searching for good wine and I ran at it. Kayla, Taylor and Hayes all stood at the door and I smiled as I pulled them all in for a hug.

"Come in! You're a little early, everyone will be here in a little," I informed them with a smile and shut the door after they shuffled in.

"Merry Christmas," Kayla greeted me as they followed me into the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas! Have you been doing okay, I've been hidden in my room," I lightly laughed as I began to search for some more wine.

I cannot believe I'm being forced to find this, I also cannot believe that Harry hasn't finished getting dressed yet. I however was dressed appropriately for Christmas, I had on a long sleeve red dress that was cut a little low in the chest but still not inappropriate. I wouldn't wear it at a club but then again I wouldn't wear it to church.

"I'm doing pretty good," Kayla replied and I knew she staring at my back as I looked through the wine fridge we had. "What are you looking for?"

"Wine, some fancy stuff everyone likes, I prefer straight up alcohol but we need fruity tasting kind I guess," I shrugged and finally found a bottle. "Yes!" I yelled in excitement then laughed.

"Well this sucks ass," Kayla frowned and I turned around to them.

"What does?" I asked confused as to what she was talking about.

"I can't drink any."

Oh, that, I used to not be able to.

It's not as hard to speak about anymore, nor think about because I tend to cry in the shower about it. I put on my strong face outside everywhere but with Harry and my shower.

"Oh, that's true, that really does suck," I gulped as I blinked back tears and began to pour a glass.

Though seeing as how Kayla's children have survived this whole time makes me wonder as to why my one couldn't. I know she told me I could've been seriously hurt as well but in the end I would've been. Mentally or physically I would have a never ending ache for the unborn baby.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up," Kayla apologised while pinching the brim of her nose.

"No, no, no it's fine," I replied and felt an arm wrap around my waist, then a kiss on my cheek. I turned my head as I took a sip and Harry stole my cup from me. He gulped it down and I frowned at him as I poured him his own, glass, then took mine back.

"Hello!" Harry yelled happily and I smiled.

"Merry Christmas, Harry," Kayla told him with a laugh.

"Merry Christmas Kayla, wow that sounds so formal, let's try it again. Merry Christmas, girl," Harry laughed at himself and I rolled my eyes.

"That's better," Kayla replied with a laugh yet again and I nodded.

The front door swung open and I knew it was the other boys. "Merry Christmas everyone!" Niall, Zayn, and Liam ran in after Niall's wish to us all and hugged all of us.

"Merry Christmas!" Kayla yelled back.

"Drinks!" Niall yelled and picked mine up off the counter and he chugged it.

"Would you stop drinking my drinks!" I yelled out of frustration and we laughed.

"The struggles," Kayla sarcastically said as she laughed at us.

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