Chapter 7

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I woke up and instantly went into William's nursery, he was up and I changed his diaper, then went downstairs to mix his formula. Louis was down there and I handed William off to him so I could fix his bottle. As I was making it Louis played with him, then insisted he feed it to him. I let him and started on heating up a frozen waffle.

"How do you feel about baseball?" Louis asked me and I looked at him confusingly.

"Uh yeah" I replied uncertainly and he smiled.

"Well Lottie wants me to go to Brent's game and I don't want to be stuck with them, why don't you come bring William and we'll have a nice time" Louis suggested and I just nodded.

"Okay, just let me get dressed" I told him and ran upstairs to see Harry was still asleep. I tiptoed through the room and changed into a pair of high waisted shorts with a cropped top. I walked back downstairs and Louis was nearly finished feeding him.

"He's so calm" Louis commented to me and I just nodded.

"C'mon we have to get him dressed" I told him and Louis stood up with him. We walked upstairs and I picked out some clothes we got from the baby shower, then placed him on the changing table. Louis helped me get him dressed and I saw how good he was with kids, he loves them too.

"So you like Brent right?" I asked Louis as we walked back downstairs.

"As much as I could my younger sisters boyfriend" Louis replied and I just laughed, grabbing the stroller from a closet.

I carried it out to my car as Louis put William in the backseat, I let Lou drive since he knew where we were going, and we picked up Lottie on the way. She sat with William and just fawned over him.

"Can I be his cool aunt?" Lottie asked and I laughed.

"Uh yeah, what exactly is a cool aunt?" I asked her, amused.

"The one who lets him get away with stuff, like that cool aunt or uncle you had growing up" Lottie explained and I nodded.

"Don't tell Harry" Louis joked but I knew he was serious too.

That's the truth, Harry is very protective already in my opinion my child has to know about the real world. He can't be sheltered all his life, he can be for maybe three to four years but no longer.

"Will and I are gonna be the best of buddies, aren't we?" Lottie cooed and William did the same in happiness as she played with his hand.

"Already almost a week old" Louis muttered and I nodded.

"And I've only lost like five pounds of what I gained" I whined as he parked the car at a baseball field.

"You aren't fat!" Lottie argued and I shook my head.

"Why did I wear this?" I whispered to myself as I looked down at my belly.

It's not that bulging but it's bigger than it was.

Lottie, Lou, and I walked to the park and reached the wristband lady in little time. Lou paid for us and the wristband lady asked for a photo with him, I laughed but took it for her, then we we moved along. We finally reached Brent and Lottie ran at him. I rolled Williams stroller to a stop and noticed another guy and girl beside him. I smiled, my eyes squinted due to the sunlight, and gave them a small wave.

"Hey Brent!" I said after Lottie kissed him then hugged him.

"Awe Lilli, who's this little guy?" Brent asked squatting down in front of the stroller.

Brent's an idiot sometimes.

"Will, remember? Harry and I" I reminded him with a laugh as his eyes went wide.

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