Chapter 30

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Ghosts//Mayday Parade (the best freaking pop rock band)

Forget You in LA//Poema (my new obsessive song, on repeat all night)

Teenage Talk//St. Vincent (another new obsession she is amazing)

"So I'm thinking of convincing Harry to play I Swear at our wedding." I whispered to Cara who still wouldn't wake up on our couch.

She of course didn't reply and I just shrugged, and stood up. I took a step, walking away when her hand grabbed my wrist. "God no, I will cry if you do," I turned to her and laughed as she smiled. "Also I don't mean to be rude and Harry's my friend too, but don't settle too fast okay?"

"Cara, we have a child and live together in a house all alone." I pointed out and she shook her head with a knowing smile.

"Explore your options," she whispered and stood up, going into the kitchen leaving me dumbfounded.

Did I settle too fast and with the wrong one? How am I supposed to know any differently when everyone is cracking jokes about our marriage and asking when the wedding is? Oh God why am I even questioning it, we love each other right?

I got up and quickly walked into the kitchen to see Cara and Teddy drinking some water, holding their heads. "Hangovers, the only downside to drinking but it's only worse when you vomit. We should be happy we vomited though because we could have died from alcohol poisoning."

"I have never in my years vomited from drinking too much," Cara said in wonder and I just shook my head at her.

"I have but you know all about those years of my life," I softly smiled and even Teddy gave me a sympathetic look.

I'm tired of those looks honestly, they annoy the ever living shit out of me, I'm grateful of course for people who care. I just have been getting that look for years now, when I lost Shawn, when I lost my baby, will it ever stop? I hate people pitying me, it makes my skin crawl, it's the one thing I hate in this world more than closed minded people.

"What are you doing for your birthday?" Teddy asked me and I smiled, remembering I had to invite her to come.

"We're going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras you're coming right?" I asked in a hopeful tone and her jaw dropped.

"Hell yeah! I've never been to Mardi Gras in New Orleans," I gasped at this and Teddy just shrugged.

How can you have not been to the Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans! It's so lively down there, I love it so much, I could live in an apartment in uptown or a home in the Garden district, hell I'd even live in the French Quarter.

"I am so ready for Bourbon street honestly," Cara gushed and I rolled my eyes at the mention of the famous street.

"It's nothing special, I promise," I laughed a little at Bourbon street itself because it is not special at all.

There's just tons of drunk people walking around and occasionally the nudists or feminists walking with their nipples covered, sometimes, proving a point. I prefer to just walk around the French Quarter finding places to drink and just looking around it. New Orleans may be told to be dirty and terrible but I see the beauty in it more than everything else.

I also saw Eminem there once, which is surprising but Rae loves him and since then I do too. He's really good and puts on a good show, on top of that his music is relatable and surprisingly sad. I don't tell many people I love him but I mean who just goes out saying I love Eminem, probably Kayla if anyone.

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