Chapter 8

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Harry's light snores were the only sound in the room and I smiled a bit at them, he's so cute especially when he's sleepy. I slowly sat up and moved his arm off of my waist, then went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and looked at my mess of hair, I straightened it which took an hour, then laid back down beside Harry. My phone began to buzz and I quickly grabbed it so he wouldn't wake up.

Would you wanna come over to the party tonight?

I smiled and looked over at Harry who was sleeping, who should I take instead?

Lou? I got up and saw that he wasn't in his room so I texted her back.

A party! Of course anytime! Drinks or no? What clothes do I wear?

I smiled a party, an actual party since being pregnant. Here we go I can be wasted.

I already walked into my closet and was mentally checking off clothes I could wear.

Oh no trust me, the guys bring all the drinks. And just wear shorts and a t-shirt, nothing fancy

I need to wear a dress though, like that's my party outfit.

How about a dress? Tight? Or????

I texted back wanting to look good.

I searched for the one and found it, the one I wore when we went clubbing that night all together and I woke up at Harry's. I smiled to myself as I grabbed the jacket, remembering everything that happened.

Sure, wear a dress, tight or loose it doesn't matter


Never loose, see you there- wait where?

I texted back laughing but quieted since Harry was asleep.

Well if I wore dresses I would've known that, and just um do u know where my school is?

Ben's. Of course I do.

Yeah, a friend went there

I lied, well we were kind of messed up friends in a way.

I started changing into the dress and was happy it still fit like it used to.

First you go straight and pass two streets, then you go right, then another right at the stop sign, and you just go straight until you find 167 on a mailbox

I was a little confused by the directions but I was sure I would find it.

Once I can find a person to go with me.

I'll find it, be there in like uh ten or so!!

I smiled then shut off my phone and finished getting dressed.

I texted Lottie and told her I'd pick her up in about ten minutes, assuming she'd been invited, then I decided who I was taking with me. I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet then walked out.

I started on my way to Niall's and turned up the radio as my thoughts ran wild.

Will Harry get mad at me because I'm partying? Well I mean if he sleeps he won't know, maybe I'll be home earlier than usual?

Never know with parties.

I hope Niall will go, he should, but if not I'll force him to somehow. We haven't hung out by ourselves in a while and even if it's only a car ride to Lottie's, then a car ride there I'll go with it.

I miss my best friend.

Harry and him have gotten close though, surprisingly and I feel almost replaced, but I know that Niall and I have a type of bond.

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