Chapter 18

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Lie to me- Bon Jovi
Cryin'- Aerosmith
The heart wants what it wants- Selena Gomez
Hurt- Johnny Cash

"Now what?" Louis finally spoke after we were in the car, just sitting there, him in the drivers seat. I stared at him with a blank look and shrugged. The baby is Lou's, it's got to be because Harry and I didn't that early.

Which means exactly what I thought it would, the end of Harry and I once and for all.

It was inevitable.

We all knew it too, I just wished it wouldn't have come so soon.

"Now I become friendless, respect less, and harry-less," I sighed as I noticed my cynical mood then tried to stop with it. It is quite hard though, because once those thoughts come they're hard to get rid of.

"It's probably not-" Louis started but I cut him off.

"Oh stop it would you? You and I both know it is so just stop" I snapped and he just looked at me before starting the car. He drove down the road and I suddenly felt bad for being so harsh. "Sorry," I mumbled barely audible and he didn't even look at me.

That must've hurt him.

He was silent and I just stared out the window wondering where we were going. He just kept driving, I didn't understand why he didn't go straight home but I wasn't going to ask. I'm too afraid he'd snap at me like I did at him, or worse ignore me. So I just kept my mouth shut and watched the surrounding come and go outside the window.

After thirty minutes of this I had to say something. "Louis?" I desperately asked and he parked the car then looked over at me. His eyes were full or remorse and pity, I wanted to cry just from the look on his face but I didn't, I held it back.

"Lilli," he said, his voice barely above a whisper and I shrunk from guilt. I quickly looked outside the window to see wee were parked off the road near the woods.

I turned my head back to him and noticed it was dangerously close to mine. I quickly pushed myself back nonchalantly for the second time today because I didn't want to be that close.

"How can I be the father of your child if you can't be that close to me?" Louis asked in a small voice but what he said had great diction.

"Louis you know that I love you-" I started but he quickly cut me off. "But not in that way, I got the memo." He waved me off and I bit my lip as tears threatened to spill.

"What do I need to prove to you that I'm confused!" I blurted out then quickly covered my mouth. He stared at me for a moment then looked down at his hands.

"No matter how many times you say it to me I can't believe it. It just gives me a glimmer of hope that isn't there and never will be. I just dream of the day where you would feel the same way, but this isn't a fairytale and you are no maiden and I am no prince. But I love you and I thought that was enough," I couldn't speak, my chest was tight, my mouth clamped shut.

Louis literally is miserable because of me and it's not like I didn't know but he never directly told me.

"One more time, just kiss me once before this all of this comes out. Before the baby is known about, before anything. Once I beg of you, it'll be the last chance we get before-" I cut Louis off with a soft peck to his lips, my lips lingered for a moment then I pulled away slowly.

We stared at one another and his eyes were full of lust and wonder. He slowly touched his lips that had a bit of my lipgloss on them and he smiled softly. I sat back in my seat and turned to him.

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