Chapter 29

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My phone was out of my pocket before the last sober slice of my mind could stop me. I don't even know what number I dialled but I did and they answered groggily. "Lilli?"

I smiled drunkenly and leaned on the bar, after Kayla left I kind of went crazy.

"Teddy, hey, babe, how are you, come to Harry's party. Brent and Lottie are sphere-I mean here," I slowly spoke into the phone trying not to mess up but I still did.

"Tell her I said hello, I don't know you but I love you!" Cara yelled leaning over into the phone and I heard Teddy shuffling.

"Who is that?" Teddy asked and I laughed.

"Cara!" She slinked an arm over my shoulders when I said her name and wiggled her eyebrows.

"I had been napping, yeah I'll come. Where is it?" She asked and I jumped up and down giddily.

"That bar in Puller, you'll know by the cars outside it, we rented it out," I had to yell over the music and I'm sure it wasn't pleasant.

"I'll be there soon," she chuckled at me I guess and I was so ready to see her.

Cara had pulled me out to the dance floor and we danced together to some song I didn't know. We were some of the few out there actually dancing many were just basically making out. We threw out arms around and sometimes our legs because I'm that drunk person. Harry stumbled over here and I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Mine," he possessively said to Cara and I laughed as Cara rolled her eyes.

"Teddy is coming here," I seemed to get out without trouble and Harry smiled.

"Another one to keep you out of trouble," Harry laughed at himself and I assumed he had only had a select few drinks.

I was a little jealous of his sort of sober state and wished I hadn't drank as much. Though with the events of tonight I think anyone could understand, why I have trouble speaking some words.

"Are you okay though, with Kayla I mean?" Harry asked me and I tried to focus enough to answer.

"I'm not fine at all, but I have all of you so I'll pull through." I actually conjured up a make-do answer.

Harry just pulled me closer as we danced and I was grateful for him. "Your party has been the best I've been to in a while." I felt Harry smile and I was pulled away from him.

Cara smiled at me as she brought me to a circle with her, Niall, and Louis. We danced around and I smiled, surrounded by my best friends realising there's no place I'd rather be. I had been watching the door for quite sometime and it swung open. Teddy stood in skinny jeans and a tight shirt, looking ready to party.

"Teddy!" I yelled over the music and hugged the life out of her. She laughed at me and hugged me back of course before I let her go.

"Lilli!" She mocked me and I grabbed her hand, pulling her to the bar.

I smirked at her and turned to the bartender, "I need about six shots of tequila."

He lined them up and filled them to my joy and Teddy took two and downed them. I shook my head, drank one and gave her a look. "I've already drank enough for three, you take em' and meet me on the floor."

I left her for but ten seconds and she was already right back at my side to dance. She danced with us in our little circle we had made and conversed with Cara getting to know her.

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