Training Scores

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I also forgot the training scores. There will be what the tributes did for their private sessions, and their scores.
District 1
Lucia Pycen- made net out of rope, 7
Lauren Pycen- throwing knives, 9
Blake McKayn- strength, 8
Brianna McKayn- poison knowledge, 7
District 2
Anya Shaek- poison darts, 6
Jak Shaek- sword, 6
Reed Cloune- bow and arrows, 7
Lily Cloune- ropes course, 5
District 3
Nina Creyg- dagger, 5
Naomi Creyg- made a fire, 7
Peter Ekan- sword, 10
Pietra Ekan- snare, 6
District 4
Cera Marksson- trident, 6
Jeremy Marksson- speed, 4
Ethan Knight- fishing, 6
Layla Knight- knives, 6
District 5
Riane Haine- poison knowledge, 9
Lianne Haine- spears, 8
Daniel Breyer- mace, 7
Cassidy Breyer- spears, 5
District 6
Viola Grayson- camouflage, 7
Trevor Grayson- camouflage, 6
Braden Vydes- sword, 6
James Creeds- axe, 8
District 7
Meryl Wendell- animal hunting, 6
Cheryse Wendell- shelter, 9
Samuel Nyv- slingshot, 7
Anisa Nyv- throwing knives, 11
District 8
Jess Moraine- made a rope trap, 8
Alex Moraine- spear, 7
Kevin Gonzales- made a fire, 9
Kimberly Gonzalez- ropes course, 7
District 9
Mia Hetro- throwing knives, 8
Thea Hetro- shurikens, 7
Mitchell Savich- snare, 8
Christa Savich- speed, 6
District 10
Gabrielle Riviera- bow and arrows, 9
Caitlin Riviera- throwing knives, 8
Luke Marcos- crossbow, 7
Ashley Marcos- knot tying, 5
District 11
Alice Firro- slingshot, 5
Duncan Firro- sword, 9
Lucas Serrasal- camouflage, 5
Justin Serrasal- crossbow, 7
District 12
Zoe Grayne- dagger, 6
Elizabeth Grayne- bow and arrows, 8
Timothy Dreyer- stealth, 8
Nathan Dreyer- slingshot, 5
I didn't realize that I wanted a certain weapon in the Games, but I killed off the only people who used that, so I changed the wepaons here.

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