Train to the Capitol

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Mitchell Savich's POV (D9)
I stare out the window. I shouldn't be here. I should be getting a latte with Abby. I flopped on the couch. I just want to be home. Christa walks in. "Hey, Mitch." "Go away." "Look, I know you're mad about being reaped, but if we win this, then you can see Abby again. I don't want to be here either." I look at Christa. "Why are you being so nice?" "If I die, I want to at least have been nice to you before I died." That's a legitimate answer.
Lucia Pycen's POV (D1)
I lie on the couch. Lauren looks at me. "Why are you crying?" "Wha? I'm not-" I had been crying, and I hadn't noticed. Lauren wiped my face. "Lucia, it's okay..." She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Lauren, you're the best sister ever." We walk to our room.
Bonus: Shia Hetro's POV (at home)
I am sitting in a tree. What am I going to do? I should go to the orphanage. But what if Mia and Thea win? A parent has to adopt me from the orphanage. But now, I have nobody...
Riane Haine's POV (D5)
Come on, Riane. Go talk to him! You might never get to see him again! I walk to Daniel's room. I knock on his door. "Who is it?" "Um, another tribute?" He opens the door. "Can I help you?" "I'm Riane Haine, and I was just saying, uh, I like your uh, shirt?" He smiles. "Thanks. I like your dress. It looks good on you." He shuts the door. Dang it, Riane. You made yourself look like an idiot.
Gabrielle Riviera (D10)
Caitlin was sobbing. "Caitlin. We've been training. You can use throwing knives. You have a shot at winning. We have an advantage over the other lower districts. I don't think anyone else has been training." Caitlin nods. "You're right."

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