Current Tribute Status

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This will say if a tribute is alive or not, and how they died if they're dead.
District 1
Lucia Pycen- Killed by bear mutt
Lauren Pycen- Killed by bear mutt
Blake McKayn- Killed in explosion
Brianna McKayn- Died of concussion
District 2
Anya Shaek-spear to chest
Jak Shaek- Tracker jacker poison
Reed Cloune- His throat was slit
Lily Cloune- Decapitated
District 3
Nina Creyg- Alive
Naomi Creyg- Strangled
Peter Ekan- Alive
Pietra Ekan- Crossbow bolt to the head
District 4
Cera Marksson- Drowned
Jeremy Marksson- Drowned
Ethan Knight- Decapitated
Layla Knight- Alive
District 5
Riane Haine- Alive
Lianne Haine- Poison
Daniel Breyer- Alive
Cassidy Breyer- Poison
District 6
Viola Grayson- Killed in explosion
Trevor Grayson- Killed in explosion
Braden Vydes- Alive
James Creeds- Alive
District 7
Meryl Wendell- Alive
Cheryse Wendell- Her throat was slit
Samuel Nyv- Drowned and crippled
Anisa Nyv- Decapitated
District 8
Jess Moraine- Broken neck
Alex Moraine- Stabbed by sword
Kevin Gonzales- Alive
Kimberly Gonzalez- Stabbed by knife
District 9
Mia Hetro- Broken neck
Thea Hetro- Her throat was slit
Mitchell Savich- Poison Dagger
Christa Savich- Axe to chest
District 10
Gabrielle Riviera- Stabbed by dagger
Caitlin Riviera- Alive
Luke Marcos- Alive
Ashley Marcos- Stabbed by sword
District 11
Alice Firro- Knife to stomach
Duncan Firro- Two rocks to head
Lucas Serrasal- crossbow bolt
Justin Serrasal- knife
District 12
Zoe Grayne- poison dagger
Elizabeth Grayne- knife
Timothy Dreyer- Alive
Nathan Dreyer- Alive

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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