The First Night

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Nathan Dreyer's POV (D12)
Tim and I met with an 8 boy. We allied with him, and he said his name was Kevin. We begin seeking shelter, and Kevin warns us. "Look for traps. It's how my sister died." We nod.
A few hours later, we are in two trees and an 11 boy (Duncan, in case it wasn't clear.) walks past. I aim a rock at his head. It hits him and he falls over. Kevin hurls another pebble at him, and soon, his cannon booms. (Oh, well. There go the Firros.)
Anisa Nyv's POV (D7)
I am sobbing my eyes out. Samuel drowned. He told me to leave him because he thought he'd slow me down. He sacrificed himself so I could survive. Thank you, Samuel. You're the best little brother I could ask for. I see the boy who was responsible for Samuel's death. You will pay! I throw a knife at him and it hits with accuracy. His brother shouts, "You killed my brother!" He runs after me, but I outrun him. He walks away. I'd better be careful. I've made an enemy.
Jess Moraine's POV (D8)
Alex is keeping watch while I hunt. I bring back a rabbit and cook it on a fire. Alex is acting funny, and I ask, "Why are you acting like there's tributes surrounding us?" "There could be. They might be able to see the smoke." I nod. "I'm sure we'll be fine."
A few hours later, Alex is keeping watch again while I sleep. He wakes me up, and gestures for me to be quiet. He points to a tribute with a young girl. She walks right into my trap. Her foot whips into the air and her head smacks into a tree. The boy gasps, "Brianna! I'll get you out!" He frantically tries to get her right side up again, but the concussion she received overpowers her. Her cannon booms. I move to get a better view, and I almost fall out of the tree. The boy sees me. Oh no. Alex, out of habit, reaches for a spear, but realizes he doesn't have any. The boy snaps my neck, and the world slowly goes black.
Peter Ekan's POV (D3)
Pietra and I run into four tributes. The boy smirks and says, "Well. If it isn't Mr. Swordsman." The four of them circle me and Pietra, entrapping us. "Don't underestimate me." Pietra grabs a plant from the ground, and stuffs it into the mouth of one girl, who is conveniently laughing. She coughs and swallows. Pietra laughs and turns to me. She whispers, "Brackenleaf. Kills in minutes." I smile. The girl begins to choke and foam is frothing at the corners of her mouth. The other three run to her, and we escape. We hear a cannon. I smile. "Nice work, Pietra." She nods. "I know." She smirks and we make a shelter for the night.
Nina Creyg's POV (D3)
Naomi keeps watch and I sleep. I hear struggling and wake up to see a tribute strangling Naomi. She chokes and says, "Nina!" Her face pales and her cannon goes off. I scream and tackle the boy. He pushes me off and runs. I cradle Naomi's head in my arms. "Naomi!" I sob and I don't care if all the tributes in the arena hear me. I cry myself to sleep.

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