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In the year 1976

Arrival feast was going on . A black messy haired boy named James Potter was staring at a red head girl Lily Evans, not listening to the boy next him .

"I am gonna win her this years" said James Potter. His friend Sirius Black laughed at him and said "She will not say Yes prong."

Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew agreed with him and Prongs made a huffed sound and again started staring at lily .

Marlene a friend of Lily Evans saw James staring at her friend . "Lily, james staring at you again." Lily looked at James and blushes but hide it and said under her breath "toe rag".

On the Slytherin table three handsome boys were talking to each other .

When Dumbledore stood up for his speech suddenly a paper fell from the ceiling on the staff table with a bag . Professor Dumbledore took the paper started reading it loudly.

"Dear Hogwarts Students and Teachers

We are from future and we have send you some movies on our life so that you can save the people and blood.
There is a war in future and many lives are taken , so we don't want that to happen again. There will be some people coming to the hogwarts to watch these movies with you. We have made these movies with our memories and with help of our head mistress Professor Macgonagall.

From: future generation."

After finishing the letter , the great hall door opened revealing the potters, blacks, lestranges, Weasley, prewetts, ministry and auror mad eye moody and Kingsley.

"Is this suppose to be a family reunion ?" Sirius said as he saw his family.

"You, blood traitor!" screeched walburga black.

A shouting match started between the two and people were betting who would win.

"SILENCE." shouted Professor Dumbledore. Everyone was quite now.

"What is this dumbledore ?" asked Fleamont Potter .

Dumbledore explained everything to them and changed the benches and tables to comfortable sofas and bean bags.

"Shell we start ?" asked dumbledore.

Everyone muttered a 'Yes'.

[The screen turns and shows 'Harry and Camila Potter: The Philosopher's stone'. The screen turns black.]

"What ? Potter ? Dad do we have relatives ?" asked James.

"No, We don't have relatives alive on main branch of our family tree but there's a possibility that they're your children Jamie." said Fleamont.

James blushed at the thought of having kids and the elder Potter couple looked happy at the thought of seeing their grandchildren.

"Wait! who did I marry ?" James asked excitedly.

Lily suddenly felt a bit sad at the thought of James being married.

"Great we have to see Biography about Filthy Potter's spoilt spawns." snarled Severus.

"Senevilus!" James jumped from his seat but was held on by the Marauders so that he wont break Senevilus's bones.

"Stop it everyone. Mr. Potter sit on your seat. We shall watch the movie." said Professor Mcgonagall.

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