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Ron: Harry, what are you doing?

[He points. SHIMMERING on the wall are the words he saw reflected in water.

Dumbledore and Orion looked like they knew something others don't.

"Chambers of secrets ?"

"cool." said Barty receiving a smack from Rodolphus.

"wait isn't Camila the Heiress of Slytherin ? it was written in her inheritance test." said Sirius.

"No! my daughter can't do this!" defended James.

"It's clearly written 'Heir' not 'Heiress' it means it's not our Cami, Jamesie." Euphemia tried to relax her son.

"That means the Heir of Slytherin is still alive but for some reasons he hadn't claimed his title." said Regulus as he tried to think hard.

Hermione: 'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened...?'

Ron: What's that? Hanging underneath?

Harry: That's Filch's cat. Mrs. Norris.

[The cat hangs stiffly by her tail from a torch bracket, eyes open and blank. Harry's eyes shift to the adjacent window: near the topmost pane, spiders scuttle up a silvery thread, fight to get through a crack in the

Hermione: Look at that. Have you ever seen spiders act like that? Ron...? Camila ?

Ron: (backing away) I... don't... like... spiders.

Camila: never.

[Suddenly, the stairwell is alive with VOICES and, seconds later, dozens of students stream forth, chattering... when they stop, seeing the wall and, standing before it, Camila, Zayn, Harry, Ron and Hermione. A thudding silence falls. Then Draco pushes forward, eyes the wall, and grins nastily.]

Draco: Enemies of the heir, beware!
You'll be next, Mudbloods!

[Draco's eyes find Hermione, Camila was again ready to throw hands at him but Zayn pulled her back grabbing her waist just as Filch appears.]

"Someone get that boy away from my little girl." whined James while glaring at Zayn's hands which were placed on Camila's waist.

"Stop glaring this hard." whispered Barty to Regulus as he was glaring at screen with a scary look.

"Yeah, or its going to pop out." whispered Rabastan.

"Aww Itty bitty Reggie baby is in love ?" whispered Bellatrix between Regulus and Barty earning a yell from Barty as he fall from his seat hearing her voice from behind him.

Filch: What's going on here? Go on now!
Make way... (stopping dead) Mrs. Norris!
(rounding on Twins) You! You've murdered my cat! I'll kill you both! I'll --

Dumbledore: Argus! face darkens.]

Dumbledore:Everyone will proceed to their
dormitories immediately. (to Harry, Camila, Ron, Hermione, Zayn) Everyone except you five.

[As the corridor empties, Dumbledore steps to the wall and, with extreme gentleness, removes Mrs. Norris. ]

Gilderoy Lockhart:It was definitely a curse that killed her -- probably theTransmogrifian Torture. Encountered it myself once, in Ouagadougou. The full story's in my autobiography...

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