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[The quartet study. Harry, burdened by dark thoughts, looks up at Ron. He smiles at Harry, then, seconds later, Hermione does
the same -- something forced about it all. He then looks at his sister, Camila, who makes a funny face at him, making him laugh abit. Unable to bear it, Harry gathers his books, gets up from the table. Camila also packs her bag and follows after Harry. As Twins walks, students glance up, meet their gaze, then
look away. Even MADAM PINCE eyes them from her desk. Ginny Weasley, tired and pale, scribbles furiously in a SMALL BLACK BOOK. Twins exits, walks into the hallway and pauses. From inside a room, the VOICES of a group of Hufflepuffs can be heard.]

"Ginerva seems very suspicious." said Regulus receiving glare from Molly.

"Constant Vigilance!" shouted Moody causing others to jump up from their seats forgetting about his presence.

Ernie: So, anyway, I told Justin to hide
up in our dormitory. I mean to say, if Potter's marked him down as his next victim, it's best he keep a low profile for a while.

Hannah: But why would he want to attack

Ernie: Justin let it slip to Potter that he was Muggle-born.

Hannah: And you definitely think Potter's the Heir of Slytherin?

Ernie: Hannah, he's a Parselmouth. Everyone knows that's the mark of a dark wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes? They called Slytherin himself Serpent-tongue.
(whispering darkly) Remember what was written on the wall: Enemies of the Heir Beware. Potter had some sort of run-in
with Filch. Next thing we know, Filch's cat's attacked. That first-year Creevey's been annoying Potter. Then Creevey's attacked.

Hannah: He always seems so nice, though.
And, after all, he is the one who made You Know Who disappear.

Ernie: That's probably why You Know Who
wanted to kill him in the first place. Didn't want another Dark Lord competing with him.

"I did not raise my Hufflepuffs to behave like this. This is outrageous and straight up disrespect to even Helega Hufflepuff!" said Professor Sprout.

[Harry doesn't need to hear anymore. He slips quietly away leaving Camila behind who decided to join the group of Hufflepuffs with a dark look on her face.]

"Oh no, she has this scary face again."said Barty.

"Camila about to beat some Hufflepuff's assess!" said Sirius laughing receiving a smack from Euphemia.

Camila: Talking behind my brother's back , are we ? Okay let's talk, so tell me what were you saying again. (smiling innocent)

Ernie: We were saying Potter is the heir of Slytherin.

[He said smiling at Camila. Hannah Abbot looked like she would piss here any moment and Camila's expression again changed to dark ones.]

[She hexes Ernie removing his hairs from his head causing him to cry.]

Camila: Talk shit about my brother again and you won't be seeing the next sunrise!

[Storming out to go behind Harry not before sending one more hex to all the Hufflepuffs.]

"She hexed them all again."

"I wonder if I could teach her some hexes this time, like contraction hex." said Bellatrix excitedly.

"You woman will stay away from my mate's daughter!" said Sirius.


[Harry enters, slows. Camila catches from behind him. Up ahead, in the light of a FLICKERING TORCH, something DARK lies. A WINDOWPANE RATTLES in the WIND and the torch... goes out. They steps closer, finds...Zayn's body near Justin-Finch-Fletchley. Lying rigid on the floor, a look of shock on his frozen face. Nearby, an inert Nearly Headless Nick floats, body teeming with BLACK SMOKE. Kneeling, They both notices a TRAIL OF SPIDERS scuttling away from Justin's and Zayn's bodies and out the loose windowpane... when suddenly... Harry senses someone watching them,wheels:]

"Oh My God! Isn't this Zayn!" said Lily.

Remus and Sirius looks at Zayn sadly feeling protective of him.

Mcgonagall.: Potters

Harry: Professor, I swear we didn’t --

Camila: Professor, Zayn.

[She said crying, her full face already red.]

"Poor Camila."

"I want someone to cry for me like this too." said a random student who received a smack from their friend "shut the fuck up it's not a time for your relatable talk."

Professor Mcgonagall: This is out of my hands, Potters. Mr. Filch, will you take care of this, please?

[Harry's eyes shift. Filch lurks in the shadows beyond McGonagall. He steps forward, HISSES QUIETLY.]

Filch: Caught in the act. I'll have you
out this time, Potter. Mark my words...

[As McGonagall leads Harry away, he looks back. Filch stares at Zayn, Justin and Nick, then turns. CAMERA DOLLYS AWAY FROM HIM.]

Filch: Dark magic. That's what you've got, Potter. Even the air you breathe comes out poison. You're evil. Evil as they come...


[Twins steps out of the Gargoyle's embrace and enters a large, circular room. STRANGE SILVER INSTRUMENTS WHIR quietly. On a nearby shelf, the SORTING HAT sits. They
casts a wary eye at the PAST HEADMASTERS snoozing in the PORTRAITS around him. In the last portrait, the Headmaster is awake, reading a book. He is PROFESSOR DIPPET. Harry approaches the Sorting Hat, glances
around, then places it atop his head while Camila sits down on a chair still zoning out and crying.]

"Poor Camila, I feel like going into the screen and hugging her." said Lily and James agreed.

Sorting Hat: Bee in your bonnet, Potter?

Harry: Well, you see, I was wondering...

Sorting Hat: If I put you in the right house?
Yes... you were particularly difficult to place. But I stand by what I said last year... you would have done well in Slytherin.

[Harry strips the hat off, tosses it back onto the shelf.]

Harry: You're wrong!

[The hat sits motionless. Silent. Hearing a GAGGING SOUND, Harry wheels, finds an OLD, DECREPIT BIRD (FAWKES) sitting on a GOLDEN PERCH. It wobbles, then... BURSTS
INTO FLAMES. As Dumbledore enters, Harry looks horror- struck.]

"Aww poor creature."

"Professor, can I see your Pheonix after the flims ?" asked Regulus innocently fascinated by the bird.

Harry: Professor, your bird... I couldn't
do anything... He just caught fire.

Dumbledore: About time too. He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you had
to see him on a Burning Day. He's really very handsome most of the time. (off Harry's look) Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. Phoenixes burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes.

[Harry looks to the floor. The ASHES swirl. A baby Fawkes pokes out his wrinkled head, blinking through the dust.]

Dumbledore: Fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads, their tears have healing
powers, and they make highly faithful pets.

[Just then, Hagrid -- still clutching the dead rooster -- BURSTS through the door.]

Hagrid: It wasn't Twins, Professor

Dumbledore: Hagrid --

Hagrid: I was talkin' ter 'im jus' before
those kids were found. It can't've bin 'em!

Dumbledore: Hagrid --

Hagrid: I'll swear ter it in front o' the Ministry o' Magic --

Dumbledore: HAGRID! I do not think that Twins has attacked anyone.

Hagrid: Oh. Right. I'll wait outside then.

"Thank you Hagrid for looking after the Twins." The Potters, Marauders and Lily Evans thanked Hagrid who blushed.

[As Hagrid exits, Harry looks hopefully at Dumbledore.]

Harry: You don't think it was me, Professor?

Dumbledore: No, Harry. But I must ask you... is there anything you'd like to tell me. Anything at all ?

Harry: No, Professor. Nothing.

"Thank Merlin, Harry didn't tell this old goat about them being Parselmouth.

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