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Next morning everyone was sitting eating and talking to their friends and families.

Lily Evans was talking to her future mother-in-law Euphemia Potter about how worried she is about the next movie because how much trouble the twins get into.

"Okay, Everyone lets start the next movie." Professor Macgonagall announced.

Harry and Camila Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

[screen shows.]

Everyone started whispering that chamber of secrets are only a myth.

"Chamber of secrets is only a myth." walburga screeched at the screen earning a silencing spell from Orion.

"Yes, Lady Black is right. We already checked the whole school no secret chamber has been found." The Ministry of Magic confirmed.

"Did you checked the castle properly ?" asked a random student.

Dumbledore, Orion and Fleamont had a knowing look at their faces but didn't say anything.

[In the clouds during sunset, we see the Warner Bros. Pictures shield moving towards the screen and rotates out of the shot. Then, the film's title in golden letters slowly zooms through the camera afterwards; it is a quiet summer evening in Surrey. Harry and Camila is in their bedroom looking at the picture book that Rubeus Hagrid gave them at the end of their first year at Hogwarts; they looks at the picture of them as a babies with their parents, Harry then turns the page to look at a picture of him with his closest friends, Ron and Hermione, then Camila turns the page and their is a picture of her hugging Zayn. Harry then hears his owl Hedwig chirping and hooting in her cage.]

Girls squeals at the pictures of blushing Zayn and Camila hugging eachother.

Regulus glared at the picture and his friends teases him about being over protective of Camila.

"Oh ho someone is in love~" Barty jr teased Regulus to which he blushed red.

"No, I am not. I am just protective of her ?" Regulus said in a question manner still blushing.

"Yeah and I am dead." said Bellatrix sarcastically.

Harry: I can't let you out, Hedwig. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school. [Hedwig nibbles at her lock, squawking loudly] Besides, if Uncle Vernon--

Vernon: [angrily from downstairs] Harry and Camila Potter!

[ Camila glances downstairs then looks at Hedwig before closing her book and going downstairs]

Harry: Now you've done it.

[In the kitchen, Petunia is working on a cake as Twins enters.]

Petunia: He's in there, Vernon.

[Twins enters the living room, where Uncle Vernon is getting Dudley dressed up.]

Vernon: I'm warning you. If you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go.

Harry: But she's bored. If I could only let her out for... an hour or two.

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