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[... They are fully themselves once more.]

Ron:That was close!

Harry:Hermione, come out. We've gotloads to tell you!

"Hermione ? seriously he is still not looking for Camila, his elder twin ?" said Lily.

Hermione:Go away!

[As Harry and Ron exchange a puzzled glance, MoaningMyrtle spirals INTO VIEW, looking disturbingly...happy.]

Moaning Myrtle:Ooh, wait till you see. It's

[The stall's lock slides back. The door opens slowly.]

Hermione:Do you remember Camila telling us thePolyjuice Potion was only forhuman transformations...?

[Even in shadow, they can see: Hermione's face is coveredin FUR, her eyes YELLOW, and POINTED EARS poke throughher hair.]

Hermione:It was cat hair I plucked offMillicent Bulstrode's robes! Lookat my face! This is all Camila's fault! She shouldn't have made the potion!

"Hermione is being a bitch." said Marlene.

"Harry is not even defending his sister." said Lily.

Ron:Look at your tail.

"He has his priorities sorted." snorts Barty and Rebastan.


[Staggering under the weight of the LIBRARY BOOKS in theirarms, Harry and Ron make their way to Hermione's bed,which is covered in... BOOKS.]

Hermione:Oh, good. Put those anywhere.
They look. There is no anywhere. So they just... dropthem.

Ron:Madam Pince asked that we relay a
message to you, Hermione: She'dappreciate it if you'd leave a fewbooks for the rest of the school.

Hermione:I've got to keep up, haven't I?
Just then, (Hermione's tail twitches INTOVIEW.)

"that's seriously disgusting." said Marlene.

"Seri-don't you dare." Sirius was cut off by Bellatrix.

Ron:Is that thing ever going away?

Hermione:Any day now, according to MadamPomfrey. I'm just thankful I'vestopped coughing up fur balls.


Ron:We all are, believe me.

Hermione:Now. What about the Chamber ofSecrets? Any new leads?

Harry: Nothing. Camila is also acting really wierd.

"Wierd ? I don't like your son prongs." said Sirius.

"Me too." whispered James.

Hermione: Camila ? She is being a bitch. She didn't even try to check on me when she came to check over her Ravenclaw friend whatever his name is and has it gotten any better? I mean... is anyone speaking to you?

"How dare she! first they ignored her and now she is doing the same they are calling her a 'bitch'! I am gonna punch Hermione for real." said Barty.

Regulus looks angry at the mention of Camila.

Harry:Neville asked to borrow a tubewormin Potions yesterday. I suppose
that's something.

"Harry is not even defending Camila." said Remus with a disappointed face.

[Ron takes a GET-WELL CARD from under Hermione's pillow.]

Ron:'To Miss Granger. Wishing you a
speedy recovery, from yourconcerned teacher GilderoyLockhart.' You sleep with thisunder your pillow?

Hermione:Of course not. I don't know how
that got there. Now go. I stillhave six hundred pages to read in Transformation Through the Ages.

"The mudblood is disgusting." said said Rodolphus to which no one paid attention since they all were angry at Hermione.


[Harry and Ron mount the stairs, emerge.
They stop. Look down. A GREAT FLOOD OF WATER streams from the Girls' Bathroom. From within, MYRTLE can be heard MOANING.]

Harry: Looks like Myrtle's flooded the

[As Harry sploshes off toward the bathroom, Ron steps lightly.]

Ron: Yuck.

[HUGE, WRACKING MOANS echo off the dreary tile. All the taps are running, streaming like tiny waterfalls. As Harry and Ron step to the last cubicle, Myrtle spins

Moaning Myrtle: Come to throw something else at me?

Harry: Why would I throw something at you?

Moaning Myrtle: Don’t ask me. Here I am, minding my own business, and someone
thinks it's funny to throw a book at me...

Ron: But it can't hurt if someone throws something at you. I mean, it'd just go right through you, wouldn't it?

Moaning Myrtle: Oh sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it!
Ten points if you can get it through her stomach. Fifty points if it goes through her head!

"And 100 points if you get it through her while she is moving from toilet to toilet!" said Sirius receiving smack from Euphemia.

Harry: Who threw it at you anyway?

Moaning Myrtle: I don't know. I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the U-bend,
thinking about death and it fell through the top of my head.

[Harry sees a SMALL BLACK BOOK on the floor. Picks it up.]

Ron: Fifty points if you can get it through her nose.

Some people snorts earning looks from others.

Moaning Myrtle: I HEARD THAT!

[Harry and Ron dash out.Harry examines the book as he and Ron walk.]

Harry: This is a diary. And it's old...

Ron: It's a diary, it's old... and was most recently in a toilet, Harry.


[Harry starts to open it... when Ron grabs his hand.]

Ron: Are you mad? That could be cursed. Dad once told me about a book the Ministry confiscated that burned the eyes out of anyone who tried to read it.

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" shouted Moody startling everyone.

Harry: I'll take my chances... Ahhh! MY EYES! MY EYES!

Some people had a horrified face.

"Oh MY GOD! MY SON/GODSON IS BLIND NOW! AHH!" James and Sirius shouted at the same time.

[Ron freezes, terrified, when... Harry grins, ending the ruse. At the end of corridor, Ginny stands, looking from the diary to Harry -- utter terror on her face -- then dashes off.]

"She is very suspicious." said Regulus

Harry: Ginny! I was only joking --
Brilliant. Even your sister thinks I'm the monster now.

Ron: Who doesn't?

[Ron frowns suddenly. On the first page on the diary, EMBOSSED LETTERS spell out a name: TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE.]

Ron: Tom Marvolo Riddle? Hang on. I
know that name...Of course! The night I had
detention... My job was to polish the silver in the trophy room. I remember because I kept burping slugs all over Tom Riddle's
trophy. I must have wiped slime off his name for an hour.

The Elders who knew about T.M.R shared a look.

[Harry fans the pages. They're empty.]

Harry: That's odd. He never wrote in it.

"Dude you study in a magical school. Of course it has charms done on it." said Barty.

I am posting this chapter just to inform you that my new session starts on 3rd of April and My mum is going to take my phone away -her saying, she said that last time too but my father didn't let her take it away- anyways so I am trying to write as many chapters I can before she confiscates my phone and I abandon this story.

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