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[Harry and Ron move quickly, when... FOOTSTEPS sound. Seconds later, Percy appears at the end of the corridor.]

Ron: What are you doing here?

"Dumbass." snorts Barty

[Percy squints, confused by Ron's voice. Harry elbows Ron, who clears his throat and speaks in a lower voice.]

Ron: What are you doing here?

Percy: I happen to be a prefect. You, on
the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at night. It's not safe these days.

"Does he thinks it's safe for him ? cause I don't understand why Dumbledore is still letting the prefects and Head students roam around at night when they're not experienced about the outside world." said Remus glaring at Dumbledore.

[Harry and Ron NOD, afraid to speak. Percy squints again.]

Percy: What're your names again?

Draco: Crabbe. Goyle. Where have you
been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?

[Draco is walking towards them, glances witheringly at Percy.]

Draco: And what are you doing down here,

Percy: Mind your attitude, Malfoy. You want to show a little bit more respect to a school Prefect!

"He's a bit snobbish about it." said Dorcas.

Draco: Come on, boys. Weasley thinks
he's going to catch Slytherin's hair single-handed.

[Percy steams. Draco sneers, walks off with Harry and Ron.]

"And that's his biggest mistake, cause Slytherins are sneaky and being the Heir of Slytherin is a big responsibility. The Heir must be very sneaky and secretive." said Bellatrix being serious for the first time.


[Harry and Ron trail Draco inside, glance around warily.]

"Did he seriously bring outsiders in the Slytherin common room." said Rebastan with a done face.

"Oh c'mon, Cissa you didn't teach anything to your son except whining ? Any Slytherin Pureblood would have known by now that those two are using a potion for changing their form. Especially the 28 sacred families are given training about this." said Sirius even though he is a Gryffindor but still a Slytherin at heart.

"All of this is your mistake!" said Narcissa blaming Lucius.

"But Camila said she has access to Slytherin common room ? how can she if she's a Gryffindor ?" asked James.

"Well if you didn't notice it was said in her inheritance test that she is the supposed Heiress of Slytherin." said Regulus.

Draco: Listen to this...

[Draco grabs The Daily Prophet, reads the front page.]

Draco: 'Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, was today fined fifty Galleons for bewitching a Muggle car. "Weasley has brought the Ministry into
disrepute," said Lucius Malfoy, a governor of Hogwarts. "He is clearly unfit to draw up our laws and his ridiculous Muggle Protection Act should be scrapped immediately."'

The Past Lucius is seen smirking at the screen along with a few Purebloods.

[Grinning, Malfoy glances over the paper at Harry and Ron.]

Draco: Arthur Weasley loves Muggle so
much he should snap his wand in half and go join them. You'd never know the Weasleys were purebloods, the way they behave. Embarrassment to the wizarding
world. All of them.

[Ron growls. Harry elbows him. Draco looks surprised.]

"I don't want to agree with this but it's kind of true." said Andromeda quietly.

Draco: What's up with you, Crabbe?

"He's not eligible to be the Heir of ancient and noble house of Malfoy. Poor old Abraxas would have a heart attack if he saw his grandson behaviour." said Orion as a matter of fact.

Ron: Stomachache.

Draco: Well, go to the hospital wing and give all those Mudbloods a kick in the arse for me! You know, I'm surprised The Daily Prophet hasn't reported all these attacks yet. I suppose Dumbledore's trying to hush it all up. He'll be sacked if it doesn’t stop soon. Father always said Dumbledore's the worst thing that's ever happened to this place.

Harry: You're wrong!

Draco: What? Did you say that I was
wrong? You think there's someone here who's worse than Dumbledore?

[Ron stiffens. Worried. Harry thinks, then:]

Harry: Harry and Camila Potter.

Draco: (grinning) Good one, Goyle. You're
absolutely right. Saint Potter. He's another one with no proper wizard feeling, or he wouldn't go around with that Mudblood Granger. And people actually think he's the
Heir of Slytherin but Camila, she's a really nice girl. She'll be a fine lady in future. Atleast unlike Saint Potter, She hangs out with us superior people.

Regulus and Narcissa had a realisation look on their face as they exchanged a look.

[Harry and Ron exchange a glance feeling betrayed that Camila hangs out more with slimey snakes than them. . Harry leans closer to Draco.]

Harry: Then you must have some idea who's behind it all?

Draco: You know I haven't, Goyle. How
many times do I have to tell you? But my father did say this much: It's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it -- only that
they were expelled -- but I know this: the last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them's killed this
time. As for me... I hope it's Granger.

[As Malfoy grins, Ron's fist rises... when Harry stops him.]

Draco: What's the matter with you two?
You're acting very... odd.

Ron: Ho!

[Harry turns, sees Ron staring wide-eyed: Harry's SCAR is beginning to surface beneath the skin of Goyle's thick forehead. And Crabbe's hair is... turning RED. They
both JUMP to their feet, DASHING out of the room.]

Draco: Hey! Where are you going?

"Those two needs acting classes." said Marlene.

[As Harry and Ron race toward the stairs, the BROOM CLOSET bursts open and a woozy Crabbe and Goyle stagger out. They freeze -- watch themselves run up the staircase.]

"That must be hilarious."

[Harry and Ron sprint toward the desecrated wall, their bodies metamorphosing, until, finally, as they hit the door...]


Hey, so I was thinking about a sad yet happy ending ? but the thing is Camila will fake her death and live with Reggie and their kids in France all of this will be done with the help of her Slytherin friends. Camila will not leash out on The trio until Zayn and Harry starts dating a bit. Zayn will end up with Harry but He will be the one who will help Camila and Reggie move out of Britain in the middle of Battle. So, Harry will live in guilt for a bit but Camila being the mature one will somehow forgive him not wanting to appear like Petunia who didn't like her niece and nephew because Zayn and Harry will have kids! The thing is I am making this made up thing that Male-wizards will be able to be pregnant that's how Remus carried our little Sirius, Leo Black!

And I am not doing that soulmate dream thing because it will create problems in other characters.

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