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Aragog:You do not come from the forest.
Your hearts beat like... men.

Harry: (breathing finally) Yes. We're friends of Hagrid's. And you... you're... (as it comes to him) ... Aragog, aren't you?

[Hearing this, Aragog's head turns slightly.]

Aragog:Hagrid has never sent men into our
hollow before.

"Wow I want this big spider, ahem Mr. Rubius can we go meet him after the movie ?" Regulus asked innocently fascinated by Aragog.

"you alright, mate ?" asked Barty receiving a excited nod from Regulus who looked like a child on Christmas morning.

"Yer' O' cour'se Mr. Black, Ca'l me Hagrid." replied Hagrid with a happy smile finally finding someone who shares the same love for creatures as him.

"Don't you dare talk to that filth, Regulus!" screeched Walburga.

"Fucking shut up for a moment, women." said Sirius who was about to hit walburga with a hex but Bellatrix took care of it and hexed Walbitch.

"You're welcome, Cousin." said Bella with a sickening smile.

Harry: He's in trouble. Up at school,
there've been attacks. They think it's Hagrid. They think he's opened the Chamber of Secrets. Like before.

[As Harry talks, Ron's eyes dart warily about, then...]

[RON'S POV - a pair of long legs -- SPIDER'S LEGS -- curl slowly around the trunk of the tree to his left. Terrified, Ron NUDGES Harry, but Harry ignores him.]

"Oh Harry the great always ignoring everyone and almost getting himself killed everytime he takes a step." said Rebastan with a sarcastic smile.

Aragog:That's a lie! Hagrid never opend the Chamber of Secrets!

Harry:But if Hagrid never... that means... you're not the monster.

Aragog:The monster was born in the
castle. I came from a distant land, in the pocket of a traveler.

[Ron turns. TWO CRAWLING SILHOUETTES inch forward. Pause. Waiting. Watching.]

"Run bitches Run!" said Sirius receiving a smack from Remus for his foul language.

"Watch your fucking language Sirius!" scolded Remus receiving a dumbfounded look from both Sirius and James who looked at each other in disbelief.


Harry: Shhh! But if you're not the monster,
what did kill that girl fifty years ago?

Aragog: We do not speak of it! It is an
ancient creature we spiders fear above all others.

Harry: But have you seen it?

[A SCRABBLING SOUND ECHOES above Ron. He GLANCES UP: a SPIDER crouches on a branch above.]

Aragog: I never saw any part of the castle
but the cupboard in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. When I was accused, Hagrid brought me here.

"Now, we know our Hagrid is innocent." said Lily with a smile.

[More SCRABBLING. Ron looks up. We PAN UP with him. SEE: SPIDERS -- in high and low branches -- DROPPING DOWNWARD like paratroopers. Ron GRABS Harry.]

Harry: What!

[Ron points. Harry looks. Pales. Turns slowly back to Aragog.]

Harry: Well... thank you. We'll just go...

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