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Draco: No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood.

Everyone gasps at his words.

A loud groan can heard of Lucius who got hexed by his wife by a strong spell.

"This is all your fault Lucius! How dare you teach him things like this." shouted Narcissa at Lucius who looked like he was about to hex her back but his wand was quickly thrown away by Lord Black, Orion who unarmed him.

"You dare use that wand on my niece and you won't see the next morning, young man." said Orion with a stern yet calm tone which scared Lucius to no end.

"Why are you hexing him ? He did the right thing in raising his son." defended Walburga who received a silencing spell from Regulus.

Everyone was quite shocked at the Black Heir's doing while Sirius looked so proud. Now, Orion and Regulus thought to sit a bit away from the silently shouting Walburga.

[Everyone reacts as if Malfoy has said something horrific-- everyone save Harry, who looks puzzled while Camila had a sickening smile on her face. Instantly, Fred and George fly for Draco's throat. Oliver Wood holds them back.]

Wood: Save it for the match.

Ron: You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!
(whips out his wand) Eat slugs!

[Ron points his cracked wand at Malfoy. pfft! -- a bolt of green light scissors out the wrong end, hitting Ron himself in the stomach. As he drops to the grass, Hermione runs to him]

Hermione: Ron! Say something!

[Ron opens his mouth and... belches. Hermione draws back, and watches a trio of slugs dribble out his mouth. The Slytherins crow with laughter. Angrily, Ron rises, only
to belch again. Fascinated, Colin Creevey runs up with his camera.]

Colin: Wow! Can you hold him still, Harry?!

Harry: Get out of the way, Colin! (to Hermione) Let's take him to Hagrid. He'll know what to do.

[Camila laughs along with the Slytherins causing them to shut down.]

Camila: What happened ? Why did you guys stopped laughing ?

[She asked with a calm face which scared Malfoy a bit but he decided to speak.]

Draco: Do you liked it ? The way I insulted the mudblood ?

Camila: Of course why wouldn't I ? Come here for a hug ?

"She looks scary giving that smile." remarks Regulus.

"Remind me to not cross her in future." said Barty

['Boom' the blonde Malfoy got trapped in Camila's trick and started making his way to her as he was about to hug her instead of hug he was met with a punch square in his face and the same hex Ron tried to use on him. With that Camila left him with others who were to scared to come closer.]


Lucius was glaring at the screen but he received a hex from Regulus.

"Draco deserved it." said Narcissa.


[Hagrid rummages about, looking for something.]


Got jus' the thing. Set 'im down

on that chair o'er there.

[As Ron sits, Hagrid pitches a bucket between his knees.

Harry and Hermione glance up questioningly. Hagrid shrugs. Camila just entered the Hut.]

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