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Hagrid: (from the stands) Blimey, Harry's got 'imself a Rogue Bludger!

Camila: Holy Shit!

Ron: rogue Bludger?

"What's happening to that ball ?" asked a very nervous Lily while gripping James hand tightly.

"Magic obviously. Someone jinxed the Bludger!" said Remus while anxiously biting his nails.

Hagrid: Look fer yerself! It's bin'
tampered with!

[Harry executes a series of zigs, zags, loops and rolls, trying to shake the Bludger, but the Bludger is relentless. Ron instinctively draws his wand, begins to point it toward Harry and the Bludger, when... Hermione's hand intercedes. She glances knowingly at his fractured wand.]

Hermione: You're joking, right? Besides,
even with a proper wand, it's too risky. You could hit Harry.

[As Harry frantically dips and dives, Malfoy cruises by.]

Draco: Training for the ballet, Potter?

"If he just focused on the match instead of taunting Potter, he would have been a great seeker." said Regulus, a few Slytherins agreed with him.

[Harry glances at Malfoy's sneering face. BUZZING inches above Malfoy's left ear is... the Golden Snitch. Harry CHARGES. Malfoy GULPS, swings clear, and watches Harry
rocket past. As Harry chases the plummeting Snitch, Malfoy FOLLOWS IN HOT PURSUIT. They RACE DOWNWARD, trailing the HISSING SNITCH deep into the TRENCH circling the pitch. Shoulder to shoulder, they RACE MADLY, driving and dodging the
wooden support beams that crisscross their path. Directly behind them, the Bludger FOLLOWS, SHATTERING the BEAMS as it dogs Harry. Malfoy KICKS Harry, forcing him to the edge of the trench. Harry BRUSHES the wall, battling for control. Malfoy turns, SNICKERS, then looks back... and finds himself heading smack into a wooden beam. Panicked, he tries to pull up. Too late. Broom meets beam and Malfoy spirals out of the trench and -- THWUMP! -- flat on his back in the middle of the pitch.Harry continues on, CLOSING on the Snitch, fingertips only inches from catching it... when... the Rogue Bludger SMASHES INTO Harry's arm. Harry cries out, steadies himself and with a brilliant, acrobatic move, SNATCHES the Snitch out of the air with his good hand. Unable to control his broom with his shattered arm, he hits the pitch with a SICKENING THUD. Wincing, Harry rolls onto his shoulders, SQUINTS UP: a BLACK DOT -- growing rapidly LARGER -- is plummeting from the sky, directly toward him. It's... the rogue Bludger. Instantly, Harry spins away, grimacing in agony, as the Bludger...... hits the ground like a SLEDGE HAMMER, violently TATTOOING the pitch again and again, only inches from Harry. Calmly, Camila strides forth, points her wand.]

"What the fuck-"

"Camila to the rescue!"

Camila: Finite Incantatem!

[The Bludger hangs briefly in the air. Slowly ceases spinning. Drops heavily to the pitch. Harry exhales, relieved, only to recall the searing pain in his arm. As CONCERNED FACES swim above him, one particular face
pushes through the others:]

Gilderoy Lockhart: Not to worry, Harry. I'll fix that arm of yours straight away.

"Stay away from my son!" shouted Lily.

Camila: Hey hey stay away from my brother. He needs Poppy not you!"

"Yes! Tell him baby!" shouted James.

Harry: No... no... not you.

Gilderoy Lockhart: Poor boy doesn't know what he's saying. This won't hurt a bit...

[Lockhart TWIRLS his WAND, Harry braces himself, and... nothing. He blinks, looks up: the faces -- which now include Ron, Hermione, Hagrid -- look horror- stricken and Camila looks murderous.]

"What did you do!" shouted James at the Ravenclaw while sending a hex on him.

"Mr. Potter! don't attack students! that act happened in future!" scolded Professor Mcgonagall even though she didn't looked bothered by James's doing.

"Did you see Camila's face ?" Barty said looking at Regulus trying to get a reaction out of him.

"She looked quite- *ahem* scary" said Regulus trying to keep a straight fave not wanting to give the reaction Barty wanted.

Gilderoy Lockhart: Ah. Yes. Well, that can
sometimes happen. The point is, the bones are no longer broken.

Hagrid: Brok'n? He doesn't 'ave any bones
at all!

[Harry looks: his arm looks like an empty rubber glove.]

Camila: Now now Professor. If I were you, I would be watching my back. So be careful who might know someone might hunt you in your wildest dreams.

[She smiles creepily sending shivers down Lockhart's spine.]

"Damn! I felt shivers at her tone." said Marlene.

[A dazed Malfoy slumps out with Crabbe and Goyle. Ron, standing by Harry's bed with Hermione and Camila, grins, then watches MADAM POMFREY pour out a STEAMING BEAKERFUL OF LIQUID from a bottle of SKELE-GRO. A group of Gryffindors, including some of his teammates, stand nearby.]

"Malfoy's over exaggerating" said Sirius receiving a side eye from Remus.

Madam Pomfrey: He should have been brought straight to me! I can mend bones in a heartbeat -- but growing them back --

Hermione: You will be able to, won't you?

Madam Pomfrey: I'll be able to, certainly, but it will be painful. You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is nasty business.

[Harry takes the steaming cup and drinks. Grimaces.]

Madam Pomfrey: Well, what did you expect -- pumpkin juice?

[Flash! Harry blinks, sees Colin Creevey standing there.]

Colin: That was brilliant today, Harry! Brilliant!

Madam Pomfrey: Out! All of you! This boy's got thirty-three bones to regrow!

[Harry fidgets in the darkness, half-asleep, then... his eyelids flutter slowly open...
From the shadows that cling to the ceiling... to the lattice-work of moonlight that burns softly on the walls around him... He SENSES something... a presence... when...
Five BANDAGED FINGERS ENTER FRAME, begin to SPONGE his brow. Harry bolts upright, finds...]

Harry: dobby!

Dobby: Harry and Camila Potter came back to school. Dobby warned them. Harry, Camila Potter should have listened to Dobby. Harry Potter should have gone back home when he missed the train.

Harry: (pushing the sponge away) It was you! You stopped the barrier from letting Ron and me through!

Dobby: Indeed yes, sir. Dobby hid and
watched for Harry Potter and sealed the gateway.

"What the- He is quite powerful for an elf." said Remus.

Regulus kind of looked proud at the elf's magic but was upset the powerful elf used his magic wrongly.

"Than why didn't he seal the gateway for Camila ?" asked Lily

"God has it's favourite." said Barty moving his head from right to left as if in a disappointing way while crossing his hands.

Harry: You nearly got Ron and me expelled!

Dobby: At least you would be away from
here. Harry, Camila Potter must go home! Dobby thought his Bludger would be enough to make Harry Potter see --

Harry: Your Bludger? You made that Bludger chase after me?

"What the Hell!" shouted Sirius.

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