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Dobby: Master has given Dobby  socks.
Master has presented Dobby with
clothes. Dobby is... free!

Lucius Malfoy: What? I didn't --

[He wheels, sees Harry and Camila standing with one leg crossed: Their one ankle bare. Instantly, Malfoy charges forth.]

Lucius Malfoy: You've lost me my servant!

Dobby: You shall not harm Camila and Harry Potter! Avada-

[Dobby steps between and -- BANG! Malfoy flies backwards, lands in a crumpled heap. Rising, he stares murderously at Twins.]

"How dare you try use that spell on those kids!" shouted Narcissa pulling Lucius's collar leaving him shocked.

"How dare you Malfoy! Don't you dare use that spell on my kids!" shouted Lily Evans her hairs waving all over the place making her look dangerous.

Lucius Malfoy: Mark my words, Potters. You'll meet the same sticky end as
your parents one of these days. They were meddlesome fools too.

"What the hell did you just say!" Marauders storms towards Lucius but are stopped by Ministry workers present there.

[With that, he turns, storms off.]

Dobby: Camila and Harry Potter freed Dobby! How can Dobby ever repay them?

Camila: Just promise us something.

Dobby: Anything, mam.

Harry: Never try to save our life again.

[Dobby grins then and -- CRACK! -- is gone.]


[Fear and suspicion banished, the House tables abuzz with excitement and anticipation... all except the Slytherins,
who do not share the general feeling.
Seated at the tables, are the formerly petrified, revived students. Justin Finch-Fletchley joins his fellow Hufflepuffs. Colin Creevey SNAPS photos of the proceedings. At the rear of the hall, standing near the entrance, Filch is reunited with Mrs. Norris. Then... Hermione enters, searching the room for Harry and Ron. Finally, she sees them. Smiles. Runs forward and embraces Harry.]

Hermione: You solved it! You solved it!

Harry: With loads of help from you.

Ron: What ? but we didn't. Camila solved it ?

"I am starting to like Ron but my hatred for Harry is getting out of my hand now." said Dorcas.

[She turns to embrace Ron. They pause, an awkward moment between them and... shake hands instead. ]

Ron: Welcome back, Hermione.

[Camila stands up as she runs towards the hall door where Zayn was standing grinning at her with a boyish smile reminding a few of one of the ex-students. Zayn hugs her tightly just as she reach near him and pulls her to seat on Slytherin table near the Slytherin squad.]

"They are so cute!" girls squealed.

James looked at the screen with a neutral reaction just as Regulus did.

Camila: I missed you so much!

Zayn: I missed you too and you guys too.

Daphne: We missed you too Zayn.

Theo: How are you feeling ?

Zayn: Just fine. My body hurts like it's been working out on it's own.

"Who's gonna tell him he had a party in Chamber of Secrets." said Sirius.

[Blaise gives Camila a look. Suddenly McGonagall taps her goblet. Dumbledore stands.]

Dumbledore:Before we begin our feast, let's
give a round of applause to Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been successfully administered to
all those who had been petrified. Everyone applauds.

Everyone in the past also claps for them.

Dumbledore: Also, in the wake of recent
events, as a school treat, all exams have been cancelled.


"Minnie can you cancel this year's exam ?" asked James giving her his biggest puppy eyes.

"No, Mr. Potter." said Minerva.

"So we have to open a chamber to get our exams cancelled ?!" asked Sirius excitedly.

"No! Sirius you're not doing it!" scolded Euphemia.

[Everyone cheers, save for Hermione.]

Hermione: Oh, no!

"Of miss know-it-all is sad." said Rabastan.

"Did you see she didn't even try to go near Camila!" exclaimed Peter.

[At the rear of the Hall, the great doors OPEN. It's Hagrid. He enters. Stops. Looks around. The room falls SILENT. All eyes upon him. He glances around. Nervous. Embarrassed.]

Hagrid:Sorry I'm late. The owl deliverin'
my release papers got all lost 'n confused. Some ruddy bird named Errol.

[Ron exchanges a nervous glance with Dumbledore. Hagrid looks at all of the faces staring at him. He turns to Camila.]

Hagrid:I jus' want to say... that if it wasn't fer' you, Camila... you an' Harry... Well, I jus' want to say... Thanks.

Harry: There's no Hogwarts without you,

[Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly...brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE TO CRANE BACK... BACK... TO a
WIDE SHOT OF HOGWARTS... glittering gloriously in the night.]

As the movie finishes everyone waits as some tables are conjured near them for the  to eat.

"Everyone after eating please proceed to your assigned chambers. We will start the next film tomorrow." says Mcgonagall.

"And I request everyone to be at there best behaviour to those who were wronged in the film. Those people will be dealt with later. Enjoy." She said while giving side eye to Dumbledore.


The 2nd movie is finally finished- took me 3 and a half years to finish it.... This book was started in 2020 in January.....

If you guys have any questions related to books just ask now I can do a chapter answering them than we're going to start new movie....

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