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Uncle Vernon: Can I tempt you, Marge?

"Wait Harry is she the one-Yes!" said Harry before Ron could spoil something.

Aunt Marge: Just a small one. A bit more... a bit more... That's the boy. Aah. Excellent nosh, Petunia. It's normally just a fry-up for
me, what with twelve dogs.

[She smacks her lips, lowers her brandy, and lets Ripper take a slobbery lap out of the glass... then catches Twins looking.]

"That's so disgusting."

Aunt Marge: What are you smirking at! Where is it that you send them, Vernon ?

Uncle Vernon: St. Brutus's. It's a first-rate
institution for hopeless cases.

[Hearing this, Harry frowns and Camila looks blankly at the dishes she was washing, Harry glances at Uncle Vernon, who glares darkly at him.]

Aunt Marge: I see. And do they use the cane at St. Brutus's, boy? girl?

Harry: Oh, yes. I've been beaten loads
of times.

Camila: Absolutely, still sore from the last beating.

Camila smiles at this looking at Harry who returned her a smile earning a growl from her baby daddy.

"D-did you just growl ?" asked past Regulus as he looks at Future Regulus's face in shock who just shrugged at him.

Aunt Marge: Excellent. I won't have this
namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense
about not hitting people who deserve it.
Still. Mustn't blame yourself for how these one's turned out, Vernon. It all comes down to blood. Bad blood will out. What is it the
twin's father did, Petunia?

Aunt Petunia: Nothing. That is... he didn't
work. He was -- unemployed.

"Hey! I am sure I wasn't unemployed! Even if I was that's because I am rich enough to have 6 more generations live freely!" whined James earning a glare from Euphemia.

"Don't flex James!" said Lily as she hits his bicep.

Aunt Marge: Of course. And a drunk, I expect

Harry/Camila: That's a lie.

[Aunt Marge pauses on her wine, eyes narrowing on Twins.]

Aunt Marge: What did you say?

Camila: Our dad wasn't a drunk.

[POP! The GLASS in Aunt Marge's hand EXPLODES.]

Aunt Petunia: Oh my goodness! Marge!

Aunt Marge: Not to worry, Petunia. I have a very firm grip.

[Harry stares at the shattered glass in surprise while Camila still glares at Marge, her hair starting to flow behind her as a green aura starts surrounding her which goes unnoticed by the Twins but not Vernon.]

"Woah woah what's happening with her ?" asked Barty.

"Barty, do you realise I am sitting here ?" asked Camila as she looks at Barty who just nods and hides his head in Rabastan's neck from embarrassment.

Uncle Vernon: You go to bed. Now.

Aunt Marge: Quiet, Vernon. It doesn't matter about the father. In the end it
comes down to the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong
with the pup...

Harry: Shut up! Shut up!

Camila: How dare you!

[The green aura now moves up into her palm as she moves her hand and all the knives flows past Aunt Marge starts to reply, when -- ZING! -- a BUTTON on her dress sails into the air. SEAMS GROAN. THREAD SNAPS. Aunt Marge's eyes WIDEN. Her cheeks BILLOW. Her whole body BILLOWS. And she begins to INFLATE like a MONSTROUS BALLOON.]

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