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In year 2004 September, Location: Queens, New York.

A few months pregnant Camila is standing near kitchen island making something for herself and her baby daddy.


"Yes, love!" shouted the voice of her husband who was sitting in the living room.

Suddenly the door bell rang.

"I'll check the door!" shouted Reggie to his lovely wife.

When Camila reaches living room she sees Zayn her bestfriend forever and ever, sitting there with a little two months old James Sirius Potter who was looking at Regulus with his little eyes widely opened trying to process who is the man infront of him.

"Well well if it isn't my favourite Potter." said Camila as she moves forward to hug Zayn and cute little James.

She moves to sit down beside Regulus who immediately puts his hand on shoulders trying to make her as comfortable as he can.

"So What brings you here ?" asked Regulus.

"Don't be so rude, Reggie!" said Camila as a mood swing hits and she suddenly starts getting emotional.

Regulus panicked trying to calm her down while saying sorry after sorry.

"Want Ice Cream ? I'll get you that!" asked Regulus panicking still trying to soothe out Camila as she nods now looking less upset. Meanwhile Zayn looks highly amused with the show infront of him.

"Now Mila, he was not rude and I came here to talk about something important." Zayn said as the amusement vanishes from his eyes and his tone gets serious.

"So, as you might know Hermione has became the Minister of Magic and Professor Minnie is the new Headmistress of Hogwarts. We, Golden trio and our Slytherin friends have decided to combine our memories and make them into movies. So, we can help the old generation win the first war against voldy-baldy." He stops as he takes a deep breath.

"We want your help with that because you are the best with memory charms and we will be able to go in past to meet our parents but for that you have to finally meet the golden trio before you think they are going to hate you no cami they are not going to hate you. They love you and miss you. I know what we did was wrong for them but I know they will understand that after what they did it was better that you would have some time for yourself." he finishes looking at little James too scared to look at Camila's reaction.

"Absolutely not! she is not going near those things!" exclaimed Regulus protectively as he helds Camila's hand.

"I would be glad to help but I don't want to meet them just now. I know, I am being selfish but it's not easy you know." says Camila as she rubs Regulus's hand over her little bump on the belly trying to calm him down.

"Draco had an idea that maybe we can use your fake name which you use to work under MACUSA. Since you work in the Unspeakable section they would not force you too show your identity because it will be against the law of MACUSA. I'll provide you with the memories and you can merge them as you wish. How's that ?" Zayn asked as he explained her.

"I think it's fine you could just tell them that you gave the memories to Unspeakable Skylar Parkar because they are the best with memory charms. I will meet them but only when we go to the past." she said making a deal Zayn as Regulus also agrees with the plan.

"I think we'll work with that for now but how much time will it take for you to finish this ?" asked Zayn while watching Regulus throw little James in the air and catching him carefully.

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