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Tom Riddle: They won't wake.

[Camila spins. Tom Riddle stands nearby. He is strangely BLURRED around the edges, as though Camila was looking at him through a misted window. She gives him a suspicious look.]

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" shouted Moody startling everyone.

Camila: Rom Tiddle? What are you doing here ?

Everyone snorts at her.

Tom Riddle: It's Tom Riddle.

Camila: Yeah same thing. Wait are you a ghost?

[She motions forward trying to move her hand through Riddle's body only for him to startle and jump away from her. He again composes his posture and stands straight seriously while giving side eye to Camila.]

"Oh my god! James your daughter is hilarious!" barked out Sirius while rolling on the floor from laughing.

Tom Riddle: A memory. Preserved in a diary
for fifty years.

[Camila looks to the diary in Ginny's hand, then places her own hand on Ginny's arm.]

Camila: She's cold as ice. You've got
to help me, Tiddle. There's a basilisk --

Tom Riddle: Riddle. It won't come until it's called.

"She's surely your daughter James. Even at serious situation she's trying to be funny." said Remus with a warm smile.

[Camila looks up, sees Riddle twirling a wand in his fingers.]

Camila: Is that Zayn's wand ?! You motherfucker! You stole Zayn's wand from my dorm! Give it here!


Regulus could be seen making faces while repeating 'You stole Zayn's wand from my dorm' and scoffs at his mention.

"You okay mate ?" asked Rabastan seeing Regulus acting very different infornt of everyone.

[She quickly takes her wand from the floor and looks at Riddle alarmingly.]

Tom Riddle: You won't be needing it.

Camila: Listen, we've got to go! We've
got to save them.

Tom Riddle: I'm afraid I can't do that, Camila. You see, as poor Ginny and the other kid grows weaker... I grow stronger.

Camila: His name is Zayn..But they're dying!

"Is she really in love with him ?" asked James.

"Of course not Potter!" said Regulus immediately earning wierd looks from others. Sirius looks at Regulus with a deadpan look and immediately diverts attention from Regulus as he too agrees with Regulus "Of course not Jamie! She's too young for this!"

Tom Riddle: Whatever. Yes. I'm afraid so. But then, she's been in so much pain, poor
Ginny. She's been writing to me for months, telling me all her pitiful worries and woes. Ginny poured her soul out to me. I grew
stronger on a diet of her deepest fears, her darkest secrets. I grew powerful enough to start feeding Ginny a few secrets, to
start pouring a bit of my soul back into her...and this Zade kid well you see poor Ginny has told me about her feeling towards you and that kid so I have decided to use him as well.

[Riddle, growing less vaporous by the second, grins cruelly.]

Tom Riddle: Yes, Camila, it was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets and brought Zam kid here.

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