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Next day everyone came back in the hall.

The Potters, Blacks, Lestranges had a cold face and kept glaring at Dumb-ass-dore who just set in his seat while holding his wand tightly.

"Shall we start ?" asked Professor Mcgonagall.

"We shall but after movies we would like to talk with Dumbledore." said Amelia Bones along with the Minister of magic.

Ted Tonks played the movie.

[Camila was shocked. The Goblin took the parchment out of her hand and read it. He was shocked too.]

Goblin: This is outrageous. Ms. Potter what would you like to do now ?

Camila: For now I want to leave it this way. I have to go. I will see you later.

[She took out a paper out of nowhere and wrote something in it, handing it to the Goblin and hurries out of the Bank but accidentally bumps into someone.]

[Scene changes to Harry.]

The vendors here clearly cater to the Dark Arts: SHRUNKEN HEADS, POISONOUS CANDLES. One window teems with

"Oh no he's alone in the Knock Turn Alley." said a worried Sirius.

AGED WITCH (O.S.): Not lost are you, my dear?

Harry wheels, looking into the mossy teeth of a decrepit witch. She holds a tray of Human fingernails.

HARRY: I'm fine, thanks. I'm just --

HAGRID: HARRY! What d'yer think yer doin'down 'ere?

"Thank Merlin, Hagrid came." said Lily.

HARRY: Hagrid!

Hagrid knocks the tray from the cursing Witch's hands, then seizes Harry by the scruff of the neck and steers him away.

[Hagrid swats at Harry's sooty clothes.]

HAGRID:Yer a mess! Skulkin' 'round
Knockturn Alley. Dodgy place, Harry. Don't want no one ter see yeh down there.People'll be thinkin' yer up ter no good.

HARRY: I was lost, I -- Hang on. What
were you doing down there?

HAGRID: I was lookin' fer a Flesh Eatin'
Slug Repellent. They're ruinin' the school cabbages.


[Harry looks up, sees Hermione Granger with Camila standing at the top of Gringotts' white steps. They both runs down to meet them.]

Hermione: Hello, Hagrid. Oh, it's wonderful to see you two again.

Camila: Hi, Hagrid. Harry are you okay ?

Regulus smiles at her secretly finding her cute.

[Hermione stops then, cocks her head curiously at Harry, then takes out her wand and points it directly between his eyes.]

Hermione: Oculus Reparo.

[Instantly, Harry's glasses are mended.]

Harry: I need to remember that one.

Camila: I know that spell.

Hermione: C'mon. Everyone's been so worried.

[Hermione leads them to Gringotts, where Hermione's rather nervous-looking Muggle parents stand with the Weasleys.]

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