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Tom Riddle: Let's match the powers of Lord
Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Potter, shall we?

[Riddle turns, to serpent, speaking in Parseltongue.]

Tom Riddle: Kill her!

[The HISSING SERPENT shoots forward. Camila stands there looking at the Basilisk with wide eyes as she whispers under her breath.]

Camila: I knew I shouldn't have played all Hero..

"You know when you fucked up the realisation hits like a fucking train." said Marlene busy stilling popcorn from Peter.

Tom Riddle: Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter. The Basilisk only obeys me.

Camila: Oh yeah ? let's see, shall we ?

[Camila stands with a very tense position as she starts speaking in parseltongue.]

Camila: $you! Sstop right there! Don't you dare dissssobey your new massssster! I am the heiress of Sssslythrin!$

"Heir versus Heiress. Round one. Match!" said Barty earning a smack from Regulus who looked like he is so close to chewing his nails off.

[Upon hearing her the Basilisk stops and looks at her and Tom confusing.]

"Even the serpent is confused who to listen." said Dorcas.

Tom: $Attack her!$

Camila: $No! Or I am going to banissssh you from here!$

Basilisk: $Misssstresssss$

[The Basilisk slithers towards Camila as it accepts her as it's mistress but is suddenly stopped by Tom who uses a curse at the Basilisk in parseltongue causing it to suddenly attack Camila.]

Lily holds James hand tightly hiding her head in his shoulder not being able to see her daughter in grave danger.

The Potters and their friends along with some Blacks looked very scared for Camila.

[Camila turns and RACES along the stone path, but the giant serpent is FASTER. Camila TRIPS. FALLS. The Basilisk RISES.]

"Oh no! Cami!" shouts Remus as he holds Sirius hand tightly.

[Camila looks to the wall, sees the serpent about to strike. Suddenly FAWKES SCREECHES, soaring toward the Basilisk
and circling its blunt head, confusing it. The SNAKE SNAPS furiously, when... Fawkes drops like a knife, driving its talons deep into the serpent's glittering eyes.]

"Yes Fawkes!" cheered everyone.

[As Camila watches the angry play of shadows on the wall, the BASILISK ROARS, HISSING in pain. Fawkes wings away, its talons dripping with blood and Camila turns, LOOKS: the Basilisk's eyes are a blind, bloody mess. She quickly points her wand at Tom and shoots a spell.]

Camila: Petrificus Totalus!

"Well atleast she tried." said Peter as he chews popcorn still unknown to him why is he still here.

Tom Riddle: Fool! Think I'm Human!? And It can still hear you!

Camila: I.AM.DEAD.

"If you didn't run you will be." said Bellatrix

[As Camila flees, the serpent thunders after, STRIKING BLINDLY as its whipping tail SHATTERS a Slytherin STATUE. Camila dodges and ducks, then, seeing the snake about to strike again... LEAPS CLEAR, stumbling toward a SIDE]

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