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"Let's start the next movie, shall we ?" said Zayn as he makes his way to start the next movie.

"wait, I would request everyone to not blame anyone in the movie because of their future choices. The future is going to be changed after this so I hope you'll won't hold grudges against some people." finishes Camila as she made eye contact with Severus who was sitting not that far from them.

[It is pitch black, until we see what seems to be a small glow before it dims out. Then, the glow emits again, only bigger and revealing itself to be from a window, and then dims out. During all the while, a dog was heard barking. The glow from the window emits again, only this time, a familiar object was in front of the glow and as it dims out. The glow emits again and the dims away, just as the object then shines, revealing itself to be the Harry and Camila Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban. Pictures shield, in silver and the byline fades in underneath. The scenery behind the shield fades in from the darkness and the glow emits again, revealing to be Privet Drive and the glow is coming from Twin's bedroom and 4 Privet Drive. We zoom through the shield and towards the window]

"Prisoner of Azkaban ? Why were you guys engaged with a prisoner ?" asked Sirius getting sad glaces from the future generation.

"Uh you'll understand later." said Harry as pats Sirius's back.

Harry: Lumos Maxima.

[It was revealed that he is under the bed covers, and the glow is so bright that it lights up the room]

Camila: Move your wand like this Hazza, Lumos Maxima.

"Hazza ?!!" exclaimed Rabastan.

"You guys made up so fast!" said Barty earning awkward smiles from the Twins.

"We had to. We had no one else other than eachother in that house." sadly smiled Camila as Harry looks at her in guilt.

[She casts the spell which is the Lumos Maxima producing a strong and bright light. Until they hear a toilet flushing and immediately goes back to sleep just as Vernon opens the door and turns on the light. He looks around in confusion before he turns off the light and closes the door and heads back to his bedroom. With him gone, Harry goes back to what he was doing.]

Harry: Lumos Maxima Lumos Maxima. Lumos Maxima!

[The camera immediately zooms out from the covers, through the window where we see the film's title floating around in rays of light. We then zoom back into Twin's bedroom. As soon as they hears Vernon coming from his bedroom, they immediately returns to sleep just as Vernon opens the door and turns on the light. He looks around suspiciously just before he turns off the light and closes the door. Harry looks at the door and then smiles to Camila before he really goes to sleep as we iris out.]


[Scene changes to Camila who's looking alot from beautiful than then last year wearing a loose tshirt on jean shorts searching around a local library.]

"Looking beautiful as ever, love." whispered Regulus causing Camila to blush while the past Reggie was looking at them with a frown.

Camila turns around and asks "Do you want to sit with us ?" causing the past Regulus to nod and sit beside her. So they are sitting as Harry-Zayn-Camila-Past Reggie- Future Reggie and Peter.

Camila: Where is it ? uh Found it!

[She jumps up to take the book which was on the top of the shelf but fails. Suddenly a deep voice speaks from behind her.]

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