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Blaise: Oh My God! Is that a Pheonix ?! What is it doing down here ?

Camila: Yes... I think he's telling me
he can take us out of here.


[A CURIOUS, GLIDING SHADOW RIPPLES across the cavernous wall, and then Camila, Blaise, Ginny and Lockhart soar out of
the darkness, linked hand in hand with Zayn's body tightly grabbed by Camila and Blaise. Fawkes is flying them home.]

Gilderoy Lockhart: Amazing! This is just like magic!

"Finally they're out of that foul place." said Sirius.

"Stop being so insensitive your goddaughter almost got killed siri!" said Remus as he was still sobbing with Lily.


[Camila, covered in muck and slime -- stand in Dumbledore's office. Fawkes perches on a pedestal behind Dumbledore, who sits at his desk, examining the charred diary. He looks up, regarding as Harry and Ron burst in room.]

"The Devils are finally awake." said Barty.

Dumbledore:Ingenious. Simply... ingenious.
Of course, Tom Riddle was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen. I taught him myself fifty years ago. After
he left, I would occasionally hear stories of his activities -- dark rumors -- but after awhile, even the rumors stopped. When he
finally resurfaced as Lord Voldemort, most people had completely forgotten the clever
Head Boy he'd once been.

"You could have just helped him in the school so he wouldn't have became this." said Regulus while looking at Dumbledore.

"Riddle, did ask for help but he wasn't provided with it." said Orion as he glares draggers at Dumbledore remembering how Riddle begged to live at Hogwarts during summer vacation.

"And you say help will always be given at Hogwarts those who asks for it." said Sirius with a eyebrow raised.

"I did what I thought was for greater good." said Dumbledore calmly.

"Greater good my ass." said Barty.

"I think the Ministry should do something about this behaviours of yours, Albus." said Minerva Mcgonagall.

Ginny: I didn't know whose diary it was,
sir. I swear. I found it inside my cauldron.
The day we all went to Diagon Alley.

[Hearing this, Harry frowns in thought, recollecting...]

Ginny: But I understand if... given all
the trouble I've caused... if you!--

Dumbledore:Wiser wizards than you have been hoodwinked by Lord Voldemort, Miss
Weasley. No, I think you've endured enough. I would suggest a bit of bed rest, however. And perhaps a large mug of hot chocolate. I always find that cheers me up. Minerva, will you show Arthur and Molly up to the hospital wing?

Professor Mcgonagall: Certainly, Albus.

[As they exit, Camila, Harry and Ron watch them go. Mrs. Weasley's VOICE carries:]

Mrs. Weasley: A diary that writes back to you! Honestly, Ginny! What were you
thinking? Haven't I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain!

"I shouldn't have shouted at her." said Molly still upset with the past memories.

[Camila, Harry and Ron turn back. See Dumbledore regarding them gravely.]

Dumbledore: Camila, my girl you realise of course, that in the last few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules with Mr. Zabini ?

"Wait where is Blaise ?" asked James.

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