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[CAMERA PULLS BACK. Harry sits with Hermione and Camila who looks like she would be anywhere but with them. Hermione studies the diary curiously.]

Hermione: Tom Riddle... Hm. And Ron said he won an award fifty years ago?

Harry: Special Services to the School or something --

Hermione: Fifty years ago? You're sure?

Harry: Yes. Why?

Hermione: Don't you remember what Malfoy told you? The last time the
Chamber of Secrets was opened was --

Harry: Fifty years ago! That means --

Camila: Tom Riddle was here, at Hogwarts, when it happened. What if he wrote about what he saw? It's possible he knew where the Chamber was, how to open it, even what sort of creature lives in it. If so, whoever's behind the attacks this time wouldn't want a diary like this lying around, would they?

"I always knew Reggie your type was someone more intelligent than you." whispered Barty.

"She really got a big brain from her grandparents and mother." said Remus.

"Hey what about me!" said James.

Remus looks into his eyes and says "What.About.You." earning a huff from James.

Harry: That's a brilliant theory, Cami. With just one tiny little flaw. There's nothing written in this diary.

Hermione: It might be invisible ink.
(pulls out her wand) Aparecium!

[She taps the diary three times. Nothing happens. The pages remain BLANK. She frowns, passes the book back to Harry]

Hermione: I don't know, Harry. But I think
you should be careful with this. Something tells me Ron might be right. It could be dangerous.

Harry: You don't think I'm dangerous, do
you, Hermione? I mean, you're not scared. Of me.

Hermione: I'm scared, Harry. But not of


[Sitting in the common room Harry starts to set the diary aside, then notices a BOTTLE OF INK sitting on the desk. An idea flickers. Taking his QUILL, Harry dips it, and hesitates. As he does, a DROP of INK hangs, suspended like a tear, then... DROPS. The ink BLAZES briefly, then... VANISHES... as if it were sucked into the page. Excited, Harry dips his quill again, and, this time, writes: My name is H-]

Camila: Yeah! What are you doing! are you mad.

"If Camila wasn't there for him he would have been killed in his first year only." said Remus.

[She whisper yells at him and takes the quill and starts writing. -arper Zabini. The words blaze, VANISH. Slowly, oozing out of the page, comes a response: Hello, Harper Zabini. My name is Tom Riddle. Camila's mind races. Deciding, Harry takes the quill from her and writes:]

"That's smart of Camila." said Fleamont.

HARRY: Do... you... know... anything... about... the... Chamber... of... Secrets?

Diary: Yes.

Harry: Can... you... tell... me?

Diary: No.

[Twins frowns. Then... slowly... new words ooze to the surface.]

Diary: But I can show you...

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