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    I almost ran straight home after I saw that boy staring at me from inside of his car. I walked a little more down the street doing my very best to control my breath and my heartbeat but as soon as the car disappeared in the distance I stopped and considered just going home to have a complete meltdown. Would he follow me? Would Marcelo be upset with me for missing my shift? I didn't want to take too long to decide as I felt stupid standing alone in the dark in the middle of the street, but I also couldn't think straight and there was a lot to consider.

I have always believed in monsters and that earned me a lot of mocking from family and friends throughout my life, but I had never really seen one before. That was the fundamental difference between believing and knowing after all: if you have any proof then you know something, it's not simply believing anymore. Since I was a small child I always believed in fairy tale monsters to some extent but I knew nothing. I never had any proof. When that car passed by me and I looked at that boy as he watched me drop my food I got it. I got proof.

Because his eyes were red.

I know he saw me, there was no doubt about that. He looked directly at me. Did he realise I saw the colour of his eyes? Did he think I would convince myself they were any other colour? I probably would have done just that if I were anyone else. If I happened to be a more regular person, the type that doesn't believe in that sort of thing, but by lack of luck or by chance I was not. I was exactly the type of person that would see something like that and do the opposite of brushing it off.

The type to see it and become obsessed with it.

I decided to go home. They could handle one night without me, especially in June. Most of the town's residents were college students that had already gone home for the winter break anyway, the bar had nearly no customers at that time of the year. I came to the conclusion that I felt too unsafe to be out and turned on my heels to head home.

As I made my way back home I saw a firetruck rushing in the direction I was going before and wondered if there was a fire near the bar. I thought of looking up the news online after calling Marcelo to tell him I would have to miss work that night.

I couldn't hold the heavy sigh of relief that left me as soon as I closed the door of my house. I had no idea of what was true or myth regarding supernatural creatures or even of what kind of creature that boy was, but if he was a vampire I prayed to God that it was true that he would need an invitation to step inside. My housemates were mostly out, either partying or back to their hometowns, but luckily one of them was home that night so I wouldn't have to be alone. I saw her on the couch in the living room as soon as I arrived.

"Hey" she said when she saw me "thought you were working tonight. Was it your bar that burnt down?"

"Uhm, I'm not sure. I felt sick before getting there so I came back, just saw the firetruck. It was a bar then?" I became a little worried that it was really the bar where I worked that caught on fire but there were a dozen bars at each corner of our town, it could have been anywhere.

"They just mentioned it on the news a few minutes ago" Vitoria informed me, zapping through the channels, probably looking for more information "but there was no one there to report live yet so I'm not totally sure where it was, just that it was in that neighborhood."

I murmured a thank you for the news and went to my room a little distressed. The fire distracted me for a while and I still had to call Marcelo but the red-eyed boy was coming back to my mind. Did he follow me? Would he come for me for any reason? I felt unreasonable but it was not completely impossible that he would consider me a loose end if he suspected I knew something, which I barely did to be honest.

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