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"Se essa rua, se essa rua fosse minha

Eu mandava, eu mandava ladrilhar

Com pedrinhas, com pedrinhas de brilhantes

Para o meu, para o meu amor passar ..."

I sang softly to myself, to appease my aching heart, drumming my fingers on my thigh. I knew all the vampires around me could hear me but didn't mind it very much, I desperately wanted to hear the song traveling through the air and not just echoing in my head. The plane was cruising and I hoped that it would be the last time I had to take such a long flight before settling in one place and getting my life back together. Or as together as it could be at that point.

"It's a lovely song."

I searched for the person that spoke and found Esme looking at me through the gap between her seat and Carlisle's. She was smiling kindly and I smiled back at her.

"Thank you. I quite like it. It's a lullaby, my mom used to sing it to me all the time when I was younger. I miss her. And my dad. Well, I miss everyone and everything, to be honest. I had an awesome life back in Brazil."

One that I am never getting back.

The implied addendum soured her smile a bit, but she sustained it for a little longer before questioning me.

"Would you like to talk about your boyfriend? Or anything else, maybe?"

I considered it and she patiently waited in silence. I wasn't very sure of how comfortable I felt about discussing it with not just one but various vampires I had just met, since they could all hear our conversation, but I did want to talk to someone. And they seemed so nice ...

"I'm worried about my friend that stayed behind" I confessed before I changed my mind. "And I pretty much hate myself for what happened to Luke. I have also been worrying about the transformation process a lot."

I then talked about Luke, how he was majoring in psychology and had three older sisters, about how we met and how we liked to run through the water fountains in the Station Square in my hometown. I talked about both our jobs and how we bonded over having the same occupation and all the nice places we used to visit together in the city where we used to live. My voice got softer and softer at the end until I fell silent because I remembered that for the last months I had spent with Luke he didn't go to those places with me as much as he once did. Ever since Alec arrived in our town he began to go with me instead more and more often until Luke apologised and said that since I had someone to keep me company while I took notes for my essays he would not be going anymore. He was so busy with his own essays and his job and would rather spend our time together doing more interesting things... He was never that fond of old art anyway.

We grew distant because Alec and I were more similar in temperament and shared more interests. If I could go back in time I would kick both of us and tell Alec to leave us the fuck alone.

"He sounds like a wonderful boy. I'm sure you made him really happy."

"Thank you. You're so kind."

Carlisle entered the conversation when it was clear that I wouldn't talk anymore. "Don't worry about the transformation too much. Most people survive the bite and have a short one."

I stared at what I could see of him, dumbfounded.

"It's possible to not survive the bite?"

Oh fuck, how come no one told me that? How could Alec just not mention it?

All the Cullens looked at me then, some simply surprised and some worried. Edward furrowed his brow.

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now