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 I couldn't do it anymore.

It was to be expected, tired and upset as I was, but it was still a letdown. I did it once, which was already more than I thought I could, but after that little demonstration every vampire in the room was understandably excited to see more of it. I didn't manage to repeat it, my eyes were again closing on their own and my body was giving up on me.

"She needs to rest, we will all have time for proper introductions and chatting after she sleeps" I heard Aro saying to the room.

Fuck, finally some sleep. I'll hopefully be in a coma for a few days.

"Let's go" I turned to the person speaking and touching my back and saw Alec. He took me out of the room through the same doors we went in.

I turned around before the doors closed to look at the third king, the one that didn't speak while I was there. He met my eyes with a tired expression.

I waited until we were a little far to ask Alec about him, though I didn't know from how far they could still hear us.

"That is Marcus" he told me as we went downstairs, "he doesn't speak much. It was not personal."

I felt like I should not pry any further and dropped the subject.

"You never told me how someone becomes a vampire" I said instead, remembering that I was worried about that earlier.

He hesitated.

"Don't think about it just yet" he offered, "you still have some time before you have to go through that."

"If you don't want to tell me now then it must be a horrible and traumatic process."

He didn't answer.

"It hurts, doesn't it?"

More silence.

"Fuck, it hurts so bad you're actually scared of telling me? I am so lucky."

He finally looked at me.

"Didn't you feel lucky in that room? You seemed pleased with yourself at the very least."

Did I really think he would let that slide?

"It felt good," I admitted, "but being home would have felt better."

He laughed with obvious incredulity.

"You don't fool me, love, and I don't think you fool yourself anymore either. You know it felt amazing, you just feel guilty about it. Besides, you are home now."

I cursed him mentally for being right again, but I convinced myself I was simply too tired and overloaded with information. I would feel like myself again once I slept and ate properly and all those horrid thoughts and feelings would be as alien to me as they should.

And then I would feel more inclined to properly think of a way to leave that castle.

"What happened to Natalia?"

"She is fine, you will meet her soon."

I gave him a suspicious look.

"She really is" he guaranteed, "she is with Jane. If she is as lucky as you, she will stay here as well."

"What if she isn't?"

What if she is as lucky as Luke?

After turning in a few corridors we stopped in front of a simple wooden door with a copper doorknob.

"Then you will still get to say goodbye to her."

I cried out.

"It amazes me how you say such things so carelessly. It is all small and insignificant to you but from my perspective everything matters a lot and you are very aware of that, you just don't care at all about how I feel."

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now