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    The silence in the kitchen was suffocating. We both refrained from speaking for quite some time, with Demetri not letting on how much of what happened in the lobby he knew and me trying not to disclose whatever he could still not know. He watched me eat with a blank face, unmoving like a statue. The ominous glint in his eyes was the only thing indicating that he was in fact a living being – or something remotely close to that. My hands were shaking so hard that I could barely hold anything, even more so under his unforgiving gaze, and I feared that if I looked back at him for too long I would burst into tears.

I kept my eyes on the sandwich I had prepared for myself and the cup of coffee he had served me. I managed to shove down half the sandwich, fighting nausea the whole time, but the coffee was still all in the cup. When I tried to sip on it my trembling hands nearly made me pour it all over myself and I decided to wait to try again. When I risked another glance at Demetri he was exactly in the same position as the last time I had looked at him and I closed my eyes to fight my nerves. I could feel cold sweat all over myself.

"Is she going to be alright?" My voice was so raspy and low that another human couldn't possibly have heard me, but Demetri probably heard it even more clearly than me.

"I hardly think so." His voice expressed as much as his face did when I had seen it and the tears I was holding back found their violent release.

With my eyes still closed I rested my face on my hands and broke down. I sobbed so loud that I was sure that every vampire in the castle could hear it but I couldn't be bothered to feel embarrassed or even care. For what felt like the hundredth time in the short amount of time since I had been introduced to Alec I cried until my head hurt and my chest burnt. All the death contained within the walls of that castle began to hit me like someone was throwing the bricks of its walls at me, the abhorrence of my new twisted reality dawning on me with full force. I thought of all the executions that took place there, of all the tourists that were led to their deaths regularly while completely unaware of their cursed fate. I thought of how easily and frequently they disposed of their human employees and of how insignificant we really were to those immortal beings.

When I calmed down enough to stop sobbing I opened my eyes and they landed on Demetri once again. He was a flawless personification of that foul uncaring nature and I wished I could put as much distance between us as possible. I wished I could never see another vampire again for as long as I lived and I wished more than anything to live a long and mundane human life very far from Volterra, never even crossing paths with an immortal ever again.

Demetri finally moved, quietly and smoothly but also unexpectedly and I jumped in my seat. He slowly lifted a thin, long-fingered pale hand and held it up to me as if expecting me to touch it. He had its palm turned to me.

"Do it on me."

You have to be fucking kidding me.

I was still crying but my sniffing was the only audible indication of that. I clenched my jaw shut to keep myself from choking up again and hesitantly lifted my own hand to meet his, though I never touched him. I kept my shaking hand close enough to his static one so that it would be easier to feel the pressure of my power working on him, but distant enough that I would not accidentally touch his skin when I moved against my will. I searched for the tingling sensation underneath my skin and pushed it towards him as soon as I found it. I felt the air between our hands being slightly compressed and tried to hold it like that for as long as I could.

He dropped his hand and blinked after three seconds.

"Much longer than usual" he crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair, "very good."

Libra's Symphony (Alec Volturi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now